The dietician, who he is and what he does

The dietician, who he is and what he does

The dietician is a doctor specialized in food science who prepares and  formulates diets adapted to the specific situations of patients , diagnoses and prescribes drugs. Let’s find out better.

>   What does the dietician do

>   How to become a  dietician

>   Laws in Italy and Europe

>   Curiosity

>   Useful resources on the  dietitian profession


What does the dietician do

The dietician , also called a nutritionist , is a doctor specialized in human nutrition (after graduation he obtained a specialist degree), regularly enrolled in the register, who can diagnose , prescribe drugs and formulate diets (= dietary lifestyle) suitable for constitution and situation (pathological or not) of the individual.


Become a dietician

To become a dietician, you need 6 years ofa degree in Medicineplus 4 years ofspecialization in Food Science.


The profession of dietician in Italy and abroad

In Italy there are three main professional categories that deal with nutrition:

  • dietician (a specialist in nutrition, is the most complete professional figure)
  • dietician (food technician, subordinate to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment)
  • nutritionist (professional recognized by the state, provides advice and information)

In English- speaking countries and in some European countries, on the other hand, the terminology exemplifies only two macro categories (for further details see Dietitian ):

  • dietitian (medical specialist in nutrition)
  • dietetic technicians (food technician)
  • nutritionist (professional without educational and regulatory credentials)


What is dietetics and how it works

Diet and dietetics



With $ 99 a month, can you have a dietician at your constant disposal? MyFoodPhone , the dietician à porter . By registering on the site you get direct contact with a dietician, to be followed anytime and anywhere. At any time of day or night you can ask him for advice and send photos of each dish you are about to eat via MMS. He responds promptly with the caloric intake of that dish, the advice on the seasoning, the exercises to dispose of it and the time to digest it. Of course, this is not a real-life professional, but it might be fun to try.


Useful resources on the profession of dietician

  • Diseases and nutrition (database of diseases associated with types of diets, and nutrition recommendations for types of diseases)
  • Excellent resource on diet and related activities , to recommend
  • AIDAP (Italian Association for Eating and Weight Disorders)


Also discover orthorexia, the obsession with healthy food


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