The diet to lower cholesterol: Portfolio Diet

The diet to lower cholesterol: Portfolio Diet

A diet to lower cholesterol without resorting to treatments such as statins. It’s called the Portfolio Diet, and it was developed by researchers at the University of Toronto.
It is a useful diet for lowering cholesterol by acting on two fronts.

On the one hand, a greater increase in foods that naturally lower cholesterol , on the other hand the reduction from the table of all foods that contain cholesterol, such as red meats.
Many doctors have come out in favor of the Portfolio Diet.

Here is the list of foods that are part of the diet and a plan of about 1650 calories to reduce cholesterol that I have drawn up starting from the indications of the scientists.

This plan is useful for an active woman who also wants to lose a little weight at a time, thus increasing the chances of lowering cholesterol naturally.

For a man, a slightly low-calorie diet of about 2000/2100 calories is recommended, which can be done by doubling the doses of the foods that I mark with an asterisk.


Lista dei cibi ammessi.
Frutta, verdura, noci e semi oleosi con moderazione, carni bianche private del grasso in eccesso, olio di oliva a crudo con moderazione, legumi, pesce bianco, cereali come quinoa, avena, orzo, prodotti della soia, yogurt greco scremato, quark scremato, skyr scremato, yogurt bianco scremato, yogurt di soia, alghe, okra, latte scremato, latte di soia, semi di psillio.

A pagina due vediamo il piano dietetico per abbassare il colesterolo da 1650 calorie per una donna, che ho realizzato partendo dagli studi. Aumentando le quantità dei cibi in asterisco, arriviamo alle duemila calorie circa previste per un uomo.

Those who do not have weight problems can increase the quantities, but must stick to the minimum daily amount of the prescribed foods, and do it daily . In fact, the diet works if a series of nutrients is taken daily according to a precise minimum dosage.

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