The diet of January 2

The diet of January 2

The January 2nd diet is a one-day low-calorie diet that can be repeated for up to 2 days, and which is designed to compensate for New Year’s calorie excesses. This is a very effective lightning diet, which aims to reduce intestinal swelling, reduce excess fat and purify the liver.

A little 24-hour help to immediately feel better and more deflated. Let’s see the food plan together, but first let’s see the detox recipe of a drink that we will drink during the day if we follow this diet.

The January 2nd diet: detox drink

The drink should be drunk in the morning, from waking up to an hour before lunch.

  • 700 ml of water
  • two bags of green tea
  • the juice of a lemon and the juice of an orange
  • a handful of parsley leaves
  • stevia or other optional sweetener
  • fresh or powdered ginger: a teaspoon (optional)
  • turmeric: a tip of a teaspoon
  • a pinch of sweet paprika or pepper.

Boil 700 ml of water with a tablespoon of parsley leaves (remove the stems, only the leaves), turmeric, paprika and a teaspoon of ginger for 10 minutes. Turn off and put in two green tea bags, covering the container to make an infusion. Filter the mixture and add the juice of a lemon, the juice of an orange and if you want some stevia.
Attention! Do not reheat the drink.

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