The diet of Doctor Rossi’s single summer dish

The diet of Doctor Rossi’s single summer dish

Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi , medical specialist in Food Sciences, as well as inventor of the molecular method and the ACPG method , the same that is the basis of famous regimes such as La Dieta Social, explains in a short article on which single dish to aim for in the summer to live in health.

Doctor Pier Luigi Rossi has just returned to the bookstore with the book ” La Buona Salute ” (Aboca edizioni), a reading that I recommend to all those who want to understand how to get back in shape by knowing their body and their metabolism better. In this article we see his advice for a single summer dish diet, with examples also for breakfast and dinner in line with Dr. Rossi’s method.

With this method you can lose weight, detoxify, improve your metabolic parameters.


Diet of dr Rossi’s summer single dish. Breakfast

For those who want to lose weight, Dr. Rossi recommends a protein breakfast.

  • A choice of lean or fat-free cooked ham or bresaola (30 grams) or 50 grams of turkey breast or 100 grams of ricotta or an omelette with two egg whites or 20 grams of mature cheese.
  • Three corn cakes or 40 grams of wholemeal or rye bread or a medium seasonal fruit.
  • Not on an empty stomach but during the meal an unsweetened hot drink such as coffee or green tea.

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