The diet for acid-base balance

The diet for acid-base balance

The acid-base balance is one of the most significant aspects for maintaining good health and a good metabolism: it is based on the PH of the body , which in each organ must have an optimal and specific range to guarantee its functioning, thus avoiding problems of dysfunction leading to the risk of disease, causing chronic inflammation.

Even within an organ, the pH alters physiologically depending on the metabolic and circadian rhythms, but also on the basis of nutrition.

In short, the acid-base balance is that optimal environment that allows organs to function optimally starting from the cells. If this balance becomes unbalanced by becoming too acidic or basic, we have the loss of osmosis and the risk of inflammation and disease.

A typical example is that of the state of hyperacidosis, generally more frequent than a state of excessive alkalosis , and which we can see for example from the concentration of the ammonia level in the urine or with the use of litmus papers.

A state of acidosis can cause a problem of bacterial proliferation or alteration, for example in the intestine; muscle aches and cramps; sense of fatigue and lethargy; slow metabolism; difficult digestion; blood sugar problems; osteoporosis problems; risk of serious pathological events.

A good acid-base balance is obtained through a healthier lifestyle , with the elimination of stress factors and bad habits such as alcohol or smoking, but also by intervening on nutrition and natural integration.

On page two we see how to deal with food.

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