The anti-vitamin A diet for autoimmune diseases

The anti-vitamin A diet for autoimmune diseases

The blog of engineer and geologist Grant Genreux , who claims to have defeated the eczema that influenced his entire life with an anti-vitamin A diet, is enjoying great success in America.

Genreux, 54, has written two free downloadable books in English in which he advances a theory.
What if the cause of autoimmune diseases, from psoriasis to type 1 diabetes, was excess vitamin A?

According to Genusux, vitamin A is not a vitamin at all, but a toxic substance that the human body cannot get rid of over the years.
Unlike herbivorous and carnivorous animals, humans accumulate vitamin A over the years.

This, according to Genusux, would be the triggering cause of autoimmune diseases, including celiac disease.

In support of his thesis, as I said, Genreux brings not only his experience, that is to have defeated eczema in 4 years thanks to an anti-vitamin A diet and to have noticed that the people who followed his indications had the same improvements, which I will talk about later.

But also a series of scientific studies and experiments on humans and animals.
Anyone who wants can download his ebooks in English here.

According to Genusux, vitamin A depresses the immune system, causing not only the onset of autoimmune diseases, but also psychological and depressive problems, severe skin problems, weight accumulation, osteoporosis and even the risk of cancer, precisely because it would poison the liver and intestines.

The anti-vitamin A diet is restrictive of all foods that contain vitamin A such as cheeses and liver or oily fish or supplements such as cod liver oil.
But also of all foods that contain beta-carotene, leafy vegetables, milk and dairy products, even skimmed, which would still contain retinoic acid.

Genreux’s anti-vitamin A diet is essentially the following.


Permitted foods. 

  • White or wholemeal or basmati rice, white bread and pasta (not wholemeal), apple juice, lemon juice, all types of legumes (with a preference for beans), corn and polenta, non-wholemeal cereal flours, honey and sugar , apples, coconut, cauliflower, garlic and onions, sauerkraut, regular (not sweet) potatoes, apples.
  • Beef or veal, chicken, fish such as cod, tuna, swordfish (but no fatty fish), egg whites, meat broth.
  • Olive or coconut oil, dark (and non-milk) chocolate or cocoa, coffee, vinegar, fermented coconut yogurt.
  • White rice or oat or coconut milk without added vitamins.
  • Any industrial food that contains additional vitamin A, such as breakfast cereals, should be excluded.

The diet must be followed for at least 200 days, so we are talking about 7 months.
Genreux has been following her for about 4 years.
He also says he lost weight despite his diet exceeding 3,000 calories per day.

Finally, he explains that, despite not introducing vitamin A, it has had no effect on sight, skin, compromised immune system, and that indeed, his blood values ​​are perfect.

According to him, the paleo diet and the meat-only diet that go crazy in recent years have advantages over the omnivorous diet precisely because, by excluding dairy products and cheeses or eating only meat, people automatically introduce less vitamin A.

Unfortunately, Genreux’s analysis is too complex and varied to be able to give an exhaustive explanation.

Possible explanations for the improvement of your eczema may then not be linked to the lack of vitamin A.
But to the lack of allergenic foods, fibers or fats or industrial foods that can instead explain its recovery.
I therefore give the news and recommend the utmost caution.

Personally I am reading his lyrics but I am skeptical.

It is true, however, that foods supplemented with synthetic vitamins have recently been linked to increased obesity and health disorders.

I invite those interested to download the books, read them and get an idea of ​​them independently.

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