The 2-day pre-Easter diet

The 2-day pre-Easter diet

Two days of pre-Easter diet , to be done on Fridays and Saturdays, in order to have a quick detox that allows us to accumulate less weight during the holidays and better digest the more substantial dishes of the holidays.

But above all, feeling less guilty in front of chocolate and other whims.

In particular, this diet is perfect for helping your gut and liver.
In this way we prepare him for two days of excess to avoid bad digestion and a swollen stomach, reflux, regularity problems that are often the “dark side” of the parties spent in company.

This pre-Easter diet can also be used in the days immediately following Easter Monday, therefore on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. In this way we avoid the extra kilos of the two holidays.



Before breakfast.
A glass of mineral water with low fixed residue and at room temperature.
Another glass of water acidulated with the juice of half a lemon.

At breakfast.
200 grams of baked apples with cinnamon.
125 grams of low-fat 0% fat yogurt or 200 ml of soy milk. Coffee or tea with sweetener.

A cup of green tea with sweetener, a 150 gram orange + 2 almonds.

Free quantity raw spinach salad with a teaspoon of oil, lemon juice, a teaspoon of pumpkin seeds.
150 grams of stir-fried shrimp or squid with bean sprouts or zucchini in free quantity and a teaspoon of oil plus curry or turmeric. As an alternative to shrimp: 80 grams of smoked salmon or 100 grams of boiled chickpeas.
25 grams of toast or two rice cakes or 180 grams of strawberries.

100 grams of strawberries or blueberries or plums + 200 ml of soy milk.

Salad of 200 grams of raw carrots with a teaspoon of oil, 100 grams of drained corona beans or a 100 gram box of natural tuna, oregano or mint or parsley, apple cider vinegar.
Two slices of pineapple in juice (not in syrup, maximum 200 grams total) sprinkled with cinnamon and baked in the oven at 175 ° for 6-7 minutes, to be served with a teaspoon of low-fat yogurt. Alternatively, half a banana.

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