The 1250 calorie chocolate diet

The 1250 calorie chocolate diet

The chocolate diet is a 1250 calorie regimen designed for those who want to lose weight but can’t give up on chocolate. In fact, with the chocolate diet you lose weight but you eat chocolate several times a day.

This allows you not to feel the sacrifice of the diet but at the same time to lose weight and respect a low-calorie diet.

Designed by nutritionist Juliette Kellow , this diet allows you to lose 4 kilos per month.


250 calorie breakfast.
Choose between a coffee or tea sweetened with stevia plus one of these options.

  1. A packet of cocoa pavesini or a Nestlè Fitness chocolate bar, 125 grams of Vitasnella yogurt, 100 grams of tangerines or melon or kiwi or orange or half a small ripe banana.
  2. 40 grams of Gran Cereale “Mix of crunchy chocolate cereals” in 200 ml of skimmed milk or soy without added sugar.
  3. A rice or corn biscuit with a level teaspoon of Novi hazelnut cream. 100 grams of ripe banana mixed with 100 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt with a pinch of stevia and a level teaspoon of bitter cocoa.
  4. Chocolate porridge made by cooking 35 grams of oat flakes and 10 grams of unsweetened cocoa in 200 ml of skimmed or soy milk with no added sugar, adding a pinch of salt and stevia to sweeten until a thick cream is obtained. To garnish with 50 grams of red fruits or a small mandarin.

400 calorie lunch and dinner.
Choose one of the following options for lunch or dinner + 10 grams of extra dark chocolate after meal.

  1. 50 grams of pasta or rice cooked al dente and sautéed in a pan with a level teaspoon of oil, 100 grams of legumes of your choice drained from a jar or a can of large natural tuna or 50 grams of cooked ham in chunks, 200 grams of zucchini or tomatoes or mushrooms or peppers, spices and herbs to taste.
  2. 125 grams of chicken or turkey breast or same weight of cod, sea bream, hake, halibut, sea bass, baked in foil or grilled or alternatively homemade hamburger with 100 grams of chosen minced veal or alternatively same weight of muscle of wheat. Mixed green salad with a teaspoon of oil. 40 grams of wholemeal bread.
  3. 100 grams of mozzarella or primosale cheese with 250 grams of tomatoes + a level teaspoon of pesto.
  4. A free portion of spinach, escarole, chicory, radicchio or endive stir-fried with a level teaspoon of oil or butter, two scrambled eggs or 40 grams of asiago or emmenthal, a rice or corn cake.
  5. A 50 gram wholemeal sandwich stuffed with 50 grams of smoked salmon or speck, lettuce in free quantity or a large tomato + a cucumber.

About 50 calorie snacks (three a day)

  1. 7 almonds or 2 walnuts
  2. 100 grams of orange or half a glass of orange juice
  3. A chocolate shortbread + a sugar-free coffee
  4. 100 grams of red fruits (blueberries, raspberries, currants)
  5. A glass (200 ml) of coconut water.
  6. A low-fat yogurt (125) velvety vitasnella.

    Chocolate diet: bonus.
    You can add this bonus to one of the three snacks or use it as an extra snack. 

    100 ml of skimmed milk with a teaspoon of shaved bitter cocoa and stevia or 8 grams of extra dark chocolate.

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