The 10 detox drinks from nutritionist Carmen Zedda

The 10 detox drinks from nutritionist Carmen Zedda

Ten detox drinks and definitely customizable : the nutritionist Carmen Zedda lists them on her blog  and in this article we see what they are and how they can help us fight water retention and overweight, thanks to their vitaminizing and mineralizing action. Detox drinks are in fact an excellent adjuvant for weight loss : they increase the hydration state of the body and avoid blood sugar drops. They also have very few calories.

1) Watermelon water: watermelon has a low glycemic load thanks to its presence of water and is rich in mineral salts. Just blend a slice of watermelon after removing the seeds in 2-3 glasses of water, and then drink it during the day.
2) The golden milk:
 the famous turmeric drink has an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action, and can be drunk both hot ( here the recipe) and cold ( here the recipe). The milk base can be based on skimmed milk or vegetable milk with coconut or almond but it is also perfect with a base of sparkling water with a low fixed residue. 3) The simple centrifuged

just associate a fruit (preferably low in sugar: citrus fruits, pineapple, red fruits, but also a small apple) with a portion of vegetables to be eaten raw (soft spinach, fennel, cucumber, tomato, red cabbage).
4) Fruit smoothies: ideal as a substitute for a snack, they can be made by combining a low-fat white yogurt with a small fruit, and adding stevia.
5) Pineapple centrifuge: perfect for those who want to deflate the belly and improve digestion, but also fight water retention and cellulite. Doctor Zedda recommends one in the morning. 6) Coconut water
coconut water is low in calories (20 per 100ml), but rich in minerals, including potassium and magnesium. Ideal to help those suffering from nervous hunger in the diet.
7) Chia water: its contribution of fiber, calcium, iron and omega3 makes this water a functional detox for weight loss, increasing the sense of satiety. Just add 5 tablespoons of chia seeds to a liter of water acidulated with organic lemon juice.
8) Herbal teas: karkadè, rosehip or dandelion tea, are purifying teas to be drunk even cold. Karkadè or hibiscus flower tea in particular is hypoglycemic and inhibits fat intake.
9) Kefir water: water kefir can be prepared at home using the starter (which you can find in the bio) to obtain a drink rich in probiotics for intestinal well-being.
10) Water: often forgotten, it is recommended by the nutritionist in doses of two liters per day, to combat water retention and stimulate metabolism.

If you are interested in learning more and would like to contact Dr. Carmen Zedda, nutritionist in Bologna, click here. 

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