Saturated fat and high cholesterol

Saturated fat and high cholesterol

a chickenThe United States is waging a slow and inexorable battle against wheat, gluten and grains , while continuing to encourage more massive consumption of protein and fat, including saturated fats. The reasons that practically everyone is talking about are listed here, are the following:
– we must take energy from fats (highly energetic) and not from sugars – carbohydrates poison us and make us fat, especially cereals, the cause of many diseases – a diet full of fat increases the basal metabolic rate, so it pushes us to burn more and lose weight – a diet full of fat does not raise blood cholesterol: this happens in herbivorous animals, not in humans.

– a full-fat diet is high-calorie, but calories don’t matter.
Here: in addition, it is also generally said that fats are very satiating, so those who eat more fat according to the fat fanatics tend to eat less .
To correlate all these things (doctors have lied to us so far! Old school, conspiracy !!!), usually some excerpt of scientific research.
Well, I did my homework too, so I can reply to the story of eating fat to lose weight, and it is not true that if you eat more fat you increase blood cholesterol with these researches: – let’s start with this, fresh fresh: apparently a diet full of fat, especially saturated fat, is more harmful for men than for women
: a US research has in fact specified that, although the pathologies related to the increase in cholesterol are due to an incorrect diet, full of sugars, the role of fats is not to be underestimated: and while a woman can indulge in a fat-based meal saturated “occasionally”, in men in particular there was a close correlation between the increase in saturated fat in the diet, obesity, cholesterol and insulin resistance .
– the relationship between saturated fat and high cholesterol is indeed controversial: many say (and rightly so, for heaven’s sake), that doctors are now so convinced of this relationship that they do not provide a shred of proof, and that most studies are focus on the short term.So: yes, it is true that a diet full of saturated fat corresponds to an increase in cholesterol. But only in the first few weeks, come on, in the first four months, to be precise. Who volunteers to understand what happens over the years? Regarding other studies that instead analyzed the long term, the truth is that we are talking about studies from the sixties / eighties and that I find it extraordinary how certain people in support of their theses take into consideration some, and then say that others, like one 1973 study of the Japanese, Hawaiian and American populations are not foundations for a valid antithesis. This gentleman lists them here . The gist is this: while in the short term a relationship between the consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol is clearly visible, long-term studies are controversial, leading to questionable but not so different results. Bah. Too bad that those who talk about metabolic and neurological changes related to saturated fats are many . Are they all damn wrong? Did they plot? Did they all know each other and over the years did they talk to each other on the phone to tweak their searches? Is there a mud machine against fats? In my opinion, no.

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