Rosanna Lambertucci’s last minute diet: the detox day

Rosanna Lambertucci’s last minute diet: the detox day

Rosanna Lambertucci defines it as a shock regimen for one or two weeks to quickly lose a few excess kilos : she presented this last-minute diet from Barbara D’Urso to Afternoon 5. It is a lightning regimen prepared by the endocrinologist and nutritionist clinician, Dr. Corrado Pierantoni , in request to those who want to lose some weight quickly but in good health, perhaps in view of an important appointment. In this article we will see only the first day of the diet , which in its entirety is present in the book “The diet to live 100 years” by Rosanna Lambertucci of which I have already spoken here .

If you want you can do this first day as a one day diet before an important dinner or lunch (or immediately after as a detox day).

Rosanna Lambertucci’s last-minute diet. The menu of the first day. 

Breakfast: a lemon juice should be drunk before breakfast.
1 cup of skimmed milk + unsweetened coffee + 2 tablespoons of oat bran or linseed
Snack at ten: Draining herbal tea and low-fat yogurt of 125 g
Lunch: Grilled turkey breast in free quantity
Snack at 16: one draining herbal tea + lemon juice + low-fat yogurt

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