Doctor Sorrentino’s pizza diet

Doctor Sorrentino’s pizza diet

They called it ” the pizza and beer diet ” and it is Dr. Sorrentino ‘s new diet , presented in the Afternoon 5 program: this pizza diet, like the chocolate diet, is designed not only to meet the needs of those who want to go on a diet indulging in some more sinful food, but also in the wake of the popularity of the pizza diet of   the famous chef Pasquale Cozzolino , who by eating pizza managed to lose the beauty of 46 kilos, as will soon be documented in a book. But let’s get to the pizza diet of Dr. Sorrentino, a dietician.

 coffee with milk (200 ml) or yogurt (125 g lean) and cereals (30 g)
Lunch or dinner:
IF WE WANT PIZZA we will choose meal A and the other meal the C. If we want to vary meal B and the other meal C. 
 pizza (marinara, with a little oil and if you want some anchovies) + vegetables at will
 medium-sized sandwich (60 g) with 2 eggs or ham or bresaola (50 gr) plus vegetables at will 
Lunch or dinner:
 Meat or fish for lunch or dinner + vegetables at will
1 beer allowed (both in A + C and in B + C): for beer we mean small beer

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