Put liver on a diet to lose weight in 4 weeks
Don’t go on any diet – put your liver on a diet instead . And in four weeks you will have a better metabolism, you will be leaner, less bloated, with a flatter stomach and high energy levels. Why, you ask yourself? Why is it so important to take care of your liver for weight loss? According to Cathy Wong , nutritionist and wellness expert and author of the 4-week Inside Out diet , cleansing the liver with a correct diet is the first thing to do if we want to act on the metabolism , and lose weight accordingly , especially if we tend to have fat. on the stomach, difficulty losing weight and feeling stressed. The liver is the director of our metabolism:it regulates both sugar and blood metabolism, helps rebalance hormones, reduces the toxic and fattening action of cortisol, acts as a real scavenger helping the body to get rid of its waste. Stress, drugs, a restrictive diet of fats or carbohydrates, a prolonged low-calorie diet, the excess of industrial products in our pantry, the lack of fiber and the right vegetables, too many sweets, and of course alcohol and smoking create harm that we drag on for years, and that makes us fail every diet that further strains our liver. Here’s how to fix and put the liver on a 4 week diet plan.
What to eat every day to put the liver on a diet:
two portions (100 grams weighed from raw) of green leafy vegetables, broccoli, green cabbage, rocket.
a portion of radicchio, red fruits, tarocco oranges or beets
200 grams of oranges or other citrus fruits a day
a clove of garlic or a piece of onion or leek to flavor the dishes
spices and herbs
only one coffee a day (in the morning), then green tea, white tea or matcha tea in the rest of the day
100 grams of weighted legumes from boiled, or alternatively 70 grams of natural tofu or
konjac tempeh shirataki or a teaspoon of carob flour
a scoop of organic whey protein (click here to find out what they are)
two small portions (100 g each) of small fish, not frozen, not farmed, lean meat such as chicken, turkey and defatted veal
a teaspoon of chia seeds or flax seeds
other vegetables steamed or cooked just 3-4 minutes in a pan with olive oil
rice or soy milk or soy yogurt: 150 ml per day
stevia or erythritol to sweeten
1-2 servings (100 grams cooked) of brown rice or amaranth or buckwheat or quinoa or oats without gluten or rice pasta or sweet potatoes weighed raw (100 gr, one serving) or 1-2 servings of gluten-free bread (50 grams is one serving) or 3 tablespoons of granola or oats. If we want to make preparations, for example bread or other, a portion of carbohydrates corresponds to 30 grams of rice or buckwheat flour.
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