Prof. Pietro Migliaccio, promoter of the Mediterranean diet

Prof. Pietro Migliaccio, promoter of the Mediterranean diet

Prof. Pietro Migliaccio , one of the most famous and loved Italian nutritionists.
A face known not only for having been the dietician of many famous people and having often appeared on TV, but for having helped tens of thousands of Italians to get back in shape.

Doctor Migliaccio leaves us due to a sudden illness at the age of 86, after leaving his doctor’s office in the evening.

Great supporter of the Mediterranean diet, prof. Pietro Migliaccio was a specialist in gastroenterology, emeritus president of the Italian Society of Food Science, lecturer in food science, nutritionist.
His studio is located in Rome.

Curator of the Melarossa method, prof. Pietro Migliaccio has published many diets on his website to help anyone lose weight, giving menus and excellent practical examples.

Criticized because he did not demonize any food, so much so that he also conceived the ice cream diet and the pasta diet , Dr. Migliaccio believed in an important thing, which perhaps can explain the reason for so many apparently “crafty” diets.

And that is, that moderation at the table, without being rigid but paying attention to calories and portions, was the best way to follow a Mediterranean lifestyle.

So anyone can lose weight.
And this is absolutely true.

Those who love ice cream, those who love pasta, those who have to eat out and have only a sandwich as options.
The secret to succeeding is in the balance between one’s own rhythms of life and a diet that is not rigid but light.

The professor. Pietro Migliaccio from this point of view tried to meet the needs of everyone’s life, patient or not, but without upsetting.

It is with pain and bewilderment that I learned of his passing. He was a great professional, a prominent person in the face of so many makeshift gurus who profit on people’s health. On Dcomedieta I have often published his diets.

From the 1200 calorie diet to the diet for those who need to lose weight , from the 1300 calorie diet to the compensation diet to the fast diet , there are many articles on this site that include its menus and advice.

Up to those for living well and healthy in the Mediterranean lifestyle, of which I leave you two of his tips.
It is preferable to eat in company.
Children, grandchildren, relatives give the joy of living. Attending them is good.

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