Pollution? It increases stress and makes you fat

Pollution? It increases stress and makes you fat

Pollution? It would increase stress and decrease metabolism , increasing the risk (but this is known) of cardiovascular disorders, but also of diabetes, reducing life expectancy. According to new research directed by Dr. Haidong Kan of Fudan University in Shanghai, environmental pollution, and in particular polluted air, would increase stress levels, raising the hormone cortisol, among others, and affect the metabolism of a person: even twelve days of exposure to polluted air are enough to undergo this “surge” of stress, which in turn would make you fat and increase the risk of disease.
Cholesterol and triglycerides would also rise due to polluted air. And even blood sugar

To evaluate how pollution affects metabolism and worsens health parameters, Dr. Kan allegedly subjected a group of students to an artificially “polluted life”, making them live in a space with the same environmental characteristics as modern cities. He would then compare the analyzes before exposure with the subsequent ones, finding a worsening.
This is the first study to show the effects of air pollution on health, and in particular on metabolism: so far, pollution has been related to higher risks of early death and disease, but not to lower metabolism and worsening. of blood sugar and cholesterol.

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