Starting from February 27, the day of Pokémon Day , in Pokémon GO the pocket monsters of the seventh generation began to make their appearance and, among these, the friendly Rockruff could not be missing, which evolves into the much more fearsome Lycanroc .
The Wolf Pokémon, in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon , and in the second pair of Generation VII Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon titles , had three forms: Form Day, Form Night, and Form Dusk . In Pokémon GO , at the moment, it will only have two: Day Form and Night Form .
You may be wondering how to get both forms of the Wolf Pokémon and we are here for it. Just like in the Nintendo 3DS games , the shape of your Lycanroc will depend on the real time: if you make Rockruff evolve during the day, it will become Lycanroc Froma Giorno; if you make it evolve at night, it will surprisingly become Night Form .
To evolve your Rockruff you will need 50 Rockruff Candies that you can easily get by catching the Pokémon in Raids or by finding it around . It doesn’t stop there, because if you choose Rockruff as your Companion Pokémon , you will continue to farm candy while walking with ease.
Obviously, to be able to get both forms of Lycanroc you will need 100 Rockruff Candies , 50 of each shape. We point out another trick to get candy faster: throwing a Berry Berry at a Rockruff before capturing it, you will increase the number of candies it will give you once it is captured . Same thing, but many more candies, for the Silver Baccananas : this will multiply the number of candies obtained by 2.334.
In short, thanks to our advice, getting both forms of Lycanroc in Pokémon GO will be a real walk. What are you waiting for, then? Run to catch a lot of Rockruff or face them in Raids and don’t stop at 100 Candies: the Twilight Form may arrive soon and we are sure you will want to be ready.
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