Pineapple is good for health: here are the beneficial and slimming properties

Pineapple is good for health: here are the beneficial and slimming properties. Not everyone knows that pineapple is a fruit with a thousand beneficial properties for the health and well-being of the organism. Here is what pineapple is good for: it is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant capable of fighting free radicals in the body that lead, over time, to general diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Reduces Arthritis: Pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce problems caused by arthritis by strengthening bones. Reduces Hypertension: Pineapple is high in potassium and low in sodium, just what it takes to fight hypertension. Strengthens Bones: Pineapple contains manganese, an important mineral needed by our body in building bones and tissues.
Rich in vitamins and minerals: Pineapple contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, fiber and vitamin C. Fruit low in fat and cholesterol. Prevents coughs and colds: Pineapple is a very important fruit and contains a substance called bromelain, which is able to dissolve excess mucus and prevent coughs and colds.Improves tooth health: Pineapple prevents plaque formation and gum disease. Improve eye health: Pineapple prevents many age-related eye problems. Improves Digestion: Pineapple improves digestion and reduces acidity as it is an alkalizing food. Reduces the risk of macular degeneration: Pineapple reduces the risk of vision loss in adulthood.
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