Pharyngitis, how to recognize it
Pharyngitis can be due to allergies, bacteria, viruses, or gastric reflux. A correct diagnosis allows you to identify targeted natural remedies that help accelerate the time of remission.

Sore throat ? Hoarse and fatigued voice? Perhaps we could be faced with a form of pharyngitis . Diagnosis is certainly a matter for doctors, but some general indications can help us understand what could be happening in our body.
Symptoms of pharyngitis
Pharyngitis is inflammation of the back of the throat , where the tonsils are located.
The most common symptoms are sore throat, fatigue and pain in swallowing, lowering of the voice with hoarseness . To the touch, some lymph nodes may appear swollen and painful; in some cases there is also an increase in body temperature .
The causes of pharyngitis
The cold season, blows of air, but also excess domestic heat from heating, poorly exchanged and stagnant air: all these factors feed a condition of malaise and carry bacteria or viruses.
So let us always remember to cover ourselves well when we go out, ventilate the rooms of the home and office, maintain a daytime temperature that is neither too high nor too low at night, dehumidify the room also with the aid of balsamic essential oils .
In addition to these general rules for preventing seasonal ailments, let’s try to better understand the origins of pharyngitis . This inflammation is in fact due to causes of different nature:
> there is a form of gastric reflux pharyngitis , due to the rising of acids that inflames and irritates the throat, causing hoarseness, swelling of the tonsils and lowering of the voice. Often this condition persists, triggering chronic pharyngitis ;
> viral pharyngitis : influenza viruses that affect the throat ( the most common rhinovirus and adenovirus ) with inflammation of the part, irritation, dry cough , difficulty in swallowing;
> bacterial pharyngitis: inflammation caused by the presence of bacteria such as streptococcus , mycoplasma and others which can lead (in addition to the symptoms described above) also to swelling of the lymph nodes , an indication of an ongoing infection, and fever.
> allergic pharyngitis : some allergens, such as dust, pollen, mold and animal hair, cause throat irritation. The organism in its defense draws an overproduction of mucus , causing the nose to drip.
Read also Chronic sore throat: causes and remedies >>
Pharyngitis, the remedies
The attending physician will make the correct diagnosis because in the case of bacterial pharyngitis it will be necessary to resort to antibiotics to eradicate the infection and allow the lymph nodes to deflate.
Viral pharyngitis generally heals on its own with proper rest and some natural help:
> Myrrh : in hydroalcoholic extract, we can use this resin with antibacterial properties to rinse and gargle . On the market we also find spray solutions with a very functional dispenser to reach the back of the throat.
> Tea tree : in essential oil or in tablets, it is useful in case of bacterial and viral pharyngitis . It helps disinfect the oral cavity, counteract bacterial presence, soothe burning and redness and strengthen the immune system . It is regarded as a natural antibiotic .
> Propolis : depending on your needs, you can choose several formulations: syrup, non-alcoholic extract, hydroalcoholic, dry extract, chewable tablets, mouthwashes and soothing sprays. Propolis is a natural antibiotic useful in both bacterial and viral pharyngitis, which fights infection and inflammation. With the addition of erisimo it helps to clear the voice , decongesting the vocal cords.
In case of allergic pharyngitis it is necessary to pay attention, because some remedies (propolis in primis) may not be well tolerated. It is therefore better to turn to myrrh and tea tree , with the addition of black currant to quell the inflammation and the histamine reaction.
Reflux pharyngitis, recommended diet
In case of reflux pharyngitis it is necessary to work on prevention in a very systematic way, avoiding some foods that can increase acid secretion and inserting others that help control esophagitis.
The nutritionist is the professional figure indicated to formulate an ad hoc diet. In principle, we can safely suggest avoiding alcohol , nerve substances such as coffee , tea, added drinks , solanaceous such as tomatoes and peppers , refined sugars , associations that lead to fermentation such as carbohydrates and animal proteins, meats and fruit.
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