Partridge eye: how to cure it

Partridge eye: how to cure it

Partridge eye is a circumscribed thickening of the skin and feet are affected. We can intervene with simple natural remedies to limit its rooting and prevent its reformation after the intervention of a specialist


If we talk about partridge eye we are dealing with the feet and their ailments.

  • What is partridge eye
  • Causes of partridge eye
  • Partridge Eye Symptoms
  • How to cure partridge eye
  • Natural remedies for partridge eye
  • Antibacterial foot baths to disinfect partridge eye
  • Aloe vera gel to soften partridge eye
  • Hydroalcoholic extract of Calendula to reduce the eye of pernic
  • Partridge eye urinotherapy
  • How to prevent partridge eye
  • Corns and partridge eye, differences


What is partridge eye

In technical terms, partridge eye is called a tiloma : a callus-like thickening of the skin, but smaller in size, which can occur on or between the toes, under the sole.


Sometimes we don’t just talk about annoyance but about real pain. Depending on where it is positioned, it is difficult to walk or to wear tight shoes: the soft partridge eye is generally formed between the toes , it is whitish in color and because the part is often subject to sweating, it can easily become infected or affected from mycosis .


Eliminating the cause of this disorder is the first possible action but we can cure and prevent the subsequent formation of tylomas with simple natural remedies.


Causes of partridge eye

This horny formation is due to continuous rubbing and pressure of the part, often due to unsuitable footwear ; also the bony conformation of the foot can determine the formation of partridge eyes: prominent or deformed phalanges or joints can facilitate friction with the shoe and determine the emergence of these annoying thickenings.


Partridge Eye Symptoms

The formation of the partridge eye is deeper than that of a simple callus and therefore more painful. The painful sensation is like that of a pin in the foot, the pain then becomes further nasty after walking, sometimes inhibiting further movement or even simply standing or wearing shoes. There may also be an effusion of fluid near the painful tiloma.


How to cure partridge eye

One of the remedies usually referred to as first aid are partridge eye patches. These are transdermal patches with a gradual release of salicylic acid and lactic acid . Their property is to soften and erode the keratin excess. These patches must be applied in the evening and left to act all night, to be repeated in the morning until the result is obtained.


Natural remedies for partridge eye

We can take care of some natural remedies for partridge eye, to counteract the thickening of the skin, activate an antifungal action and soften the part.

  • Tea Tree Oil : essential oil with antibacterial, antifungal, disinfectant virtues.
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract : in essential oil it counteracts the presence of any bacteria and enhances the effect of tea tree oil.
  • Aloe Vera gel : has an emollient, refreshing, moisturizing, healing and antibacterial action
  • Calendula tincture : has anti-inflammatory, restorative, antimicrobial properties
  • Salicylic acid : performs keratolytic action, effective against all types of callus, calluses, warts and tiloma


Let’s see specifically how to use them to treat partridge eye.


Antibacterial foot baths to disinfect partridge eye

It is important to keep the foot well cleaned and disinfected to avoid infections, even of a fungal nature; We therefore carry out as many washes as possible with natural foot baths throughout the day with hot water, coarse salt, essential oil of tea tree and grapefruit seeds. These essential oils have antibacterial and bacteriostatic virtues and are able to counteract fungal presences; moreover the water with the salt softens the skin, the horny thickening will thus be easier to treat with the pumice stone.


Actions with specific tools are strongly discouraged if we are no more than experts and able to sterilize them perfectly.


How to do a natural foot bath


Aloe vera gel to soften partridge eye

To soften the partridge eye during the night, we can make an ad-hoc pack based on Aloe vera gel : the emollient, soothing and skin-protective properties make it an indispensable remedy for treating all forms of keratosis .


With the foot well cleansed and dried, apply an abundant quantity of aloe gel, an antibacterial garzina and cover with a cotton sock; in the morning we wash the part following the procedure described above and dry it very well. We then apply a dry gauze that allows perspiration but prevents rubbing of the skin.


Hydroalcoholic extract of Calendula to reduce partridge eye


Calendula in tincture  is a very effective remedy with multiple properties: it has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, anti-edematous, emollient and healing action . We dilute 30 drops in a little water and carry out targeted compresses on the part, which we have already treated with the foot bath, aloe vera and pumice stone. 


The hydroalcoholic extract of calendula softens the residual stratum corneum and allows it to be eliminated easily, heals any wounds from removal of the tiloma too deeply.


Partridge eye urinotherapy

Those who practice urinotherapy  use their own urine to heal callus formations and partridge eyes through direct compresses. In fact, there are very effective urea-based ointments on the market, which combine its emollient properties with the disinfectant action of urea.


How to prevent partridge eye

Preventing partridge eye is possible by adopting simple precautions:

  • Choose a correct footwear , with an adequate heel, of quality workmanship, not too narrow or high.
  • Always dry your feet thoroughly
  • Eliminate thickening from the earliest possible formations with pumice stone
  • Use a solution that softens and moisturizes the skin of the feet on a daily basis.


These simple procedures, combined with grandmother’s remedies, help prevent calluses of all kinds, such as corns on the little toe or between the toes, calluses on the feet, hyperkeratosis.


Corns and partridge eyes, differences

Calluses and tylomas both develop in areas prone to compression and rubbing. Calluses on the feet  are hard, thickened portions of skin. Compared to partridge eyes, they are larger, with an irregular shape. They appear on the bony areas of the foot in support, such as the heel, big toe, sole and side of the foot.   


Calluses can also occur on the hands , in those areas where friction and rubbing are repeated, just think of the fingertips of guitarists, the hands of gymnasts or those of some artisans, but we will hardly ever hear of a bird’s eye on the hands.


Failure to treat tilomas and remedies for corns can become infected. In these conditions they can be painful and impede normal walking, thus requiring the partridge eye to be removed with surgical removal.

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