Nutrition in Pregnancy | Nutrition for pregnant woman:

Nutrition in Pregnancy | Nutrition for pregnant woman:


Pregnancy is a very critical age. This is a time for good and proper nutrition. This nutrition is not only good for mother as well as it is important for baby in the womb. If nutrition of baby is healthy then it is understood able that baby will healthy. This article is most important for all pregnant ladies, and plays also a critical role in the health of new generation. In this article I will discuss about why nutrition is important in pregnancy, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Vegetables, Fruits, Drinks, Vitamins and minerals in pregnancy and Diseases in pregnancy. This article will focus only on the nutrition during pregnancy instead of nutrition after pregnancy. If you want to know about nutrition in lactating age, then click on this link and visit our article about Importance of nutrition in lactating age:


Why nutrition is important in pregnancy?

As we know in this age good nutrition is not only for mother, it is also important for baby. If in this age a mother eats well, then the upcoming baby will healthy. In this age brain of baby develop and baby gain weight, so, it is very important to eat well. In pregnancy symptoms of mother shows the health of upcoming baby. Fatigue and weakness shows difficulties in pregnancy. It is due to the anemia, So, Proper nutrition is very important.


During pregnancy 300 to 350 extra kcal required in per day. So, whole grains and breads and grains are most important in pregnancy. They are important for total calories. We should use fortified carbohydrates, because iron and folic acids are most important they help in birth. Whole grains are rich in iron. It is also responsible to treat anemia. Total recommended servings of carbohydrates in pregnancy are 8 – 11 servings.


Now, we will discuss about protein. Protein is very important during pregnancy, because in this age growth and development of child is very important. In this age meat which is source of protein and iron is also most important. Due to excessive intake of iron we can give proper oxygen for baby. And it plays important role in the development of baby.

Some important sources of protein are given below:

Egg: We should also eat egg in pregnancy, because it has all high quality proteins that are responsible for fetal growth.

Meat: It doesn’t give only protein. They are also used as a source of iron.


Legumes and pulses also good source of protein. They are cheap source of protein.

Total recommended grams of protein are 30 g in pregnancy. During pregnancy rate of protein increase due to the nutrition of fetal in womb.


Pregnancy is time weight gain. In this period a mother gain weight due to baby in her womb. So, in this age only minimum amount of fat should be used. You can use high quality fat that contains high density lipoprotein cholesterol. During this period we should use omega-6 and omega 9 fatty acids.


During pregnancy rate of diseases is high especially anemia. So, in this age we should use iron containing vegetables such as spinach. During pregnancy we should use vitamin C containing vegetables. Some important fruits and vegetables are given below:

  • Grape fruit
  • Orange
  • Tomato
  • Broccoli


As vegetables during pregnancy mother should eat fruits which are rich in iron, folic acid and vitamin C. Fruits that contain high fibers should be used.


During pregnancy rate of work is very high on each cell. So, we should use plenty of water during pregnancy. During pregnancy fruit juices should be used. Such as, peach juice, orange juice etc.

Vitamins and minerals in pregnancy:

As previous discussion folic acid, vitamin C and iron are most important minerals in body.

Folic acid: Folic acid is important during birth. It make easy to birth process.

Iron: It is important to maintain blood loss during birth. And prevent from anemic condition.


At the end in the light of above discussion we can say that Pregnancy is very critical period for mother as well as it is most important period for new generation. In this age iron, folic acid and vitamins are most important. We should eat well in this age, for good health of baby.


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