Never trust fitness magazines 100%

Never trust fitness magazines 100%

Never trust fitness magazines 100%

In today’s article, I want to show you some secrets of the publishing sector, especially in the field of fitness and bodybuilding magazines: as you will see, the publishing sector tends to hide a lot of important information and to magnify the less relevant ones.

The quintessential third big lie about weight loss that I’m going to tell you about today is, ” Believe everything you read in magazines . “

Nothing more wrong.

Let’s face it, generally each of us is led to think that everything reported in magazines (especially if they are magazines with a certain notoriety) corresponds to the sacrosanct truth.

This is because the main means of information and communication and in particular national and international magazines tend to have greater credibility than the word of an ordinary mortal like me.

Do not you think? Well, I’ll make you think again.

You must know that a correct weight loss program must include physical activity, but it doesn’t take much: just walking 3 times a week .

Unfortunately, the fitness media are hiding some sneaky little secrets.

The information disclosed in the field of wellness, fitness and nutrition contained in numerous well-known magazines in the sector must be taken with a grain of salt: you must know that they are in a certain sense “contaminated” or rather “negatively influenced” by numerous variables.

Publishers are very clever: they have managed to hit the point of weakness of their readers. They relied on their naivety, exploiting the excessive trust that readers have placed in their magazines: most of the readers, in fact, being easily impressionable, indiscriminately believe everything they read in a successful national or international magazine.

Unfortunately, I have to tell you that in recent years there has been a kind of vicious circle, a small business between the publishing sector of fitness magazines and the manufacturers of food supplements and similar products.

I’ll explain.

Many fitness magazines nowadays earn not only for the articles they write but above all for what they advertise: yes, many food supplement companies use the magazines to advertise, in short, they use them as the main channel to sell their products.

Obviously I want to clarify that by this I do not mean that these magazines do not contain truthful information: you just need to know how to filter the true news from the false ones with a pinch of cunning and intelligence.

The problem in my opinion is that unfortunately most people no longer know which writers and above all which magazines can be trusted and which ones to avoid.Moreover, not everyone has the insight to identify where the editorial part ends and where the actual advertising begins.

And here I help you.

Think about it: have you ever noticed the presence in any fitness magazine of articles based on the latest and greatest “discoveries” made on supplements? Here, these are not really articles but simply incognito announcements, complete with a telephone number at the end to place the order.

Even if a magazine has no particular interest in a particular supplement company, keep this in mind: A full-page ad written in a nationally circulating fitness magazine can cost tens of thousands of dollars, so it’s clear. that publishers will never write anything that would offend or contradict the advertisers of such supplement companies.

Indeed, it is in the best interest of the magazine to promote the supplements to more ‘I can to keep the manufacturers good and loyal, regardless of the effectiveness of their products.

And do you know why? It’s all based on a cycle that tends to repeat itself over and over again: the more supplement companies sell their products, the more they advertise, the more they advertise and the more they manage to sell their products. .

What still amazes me is seeing how many people, especially beginners, naively believe every word they read in “bodybuilding magazines” and thus end up buying hundreds or thousands of euros of useless pills, powders, drinks to “increase muscle mass “” or “fat burning”.

If you don’t know how to tell the truth from the fake in fitness magazine information – and today, that goes for online magazines and blogs as well – there’s only way to be sure that the information you get is unbiased. that of obtaining the information from an unbiased magazine that does not advertise or sell supplements AT ALL!

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