Natural remedies against cellulite blemishes

Here we go again … Summer is upon us and like every year the costume test finds you unprepared and perhaps you regret not being born at the time of Botticelli and his “buttery” Venus. At this time of year there is a lot of talk about cellulite. But do you really know her? So, read on and we will explain – based on the latest scientific discoveries – what it is due to and what are the natural remedies that really work against cellulite blemishes , as they act at the root of the problem .
Before we jump into the fray, what do you think of some funny cellulite anecdote?
Cellulite: it’s all Mary Quant’s fault.
Index Article
We have been talking about cellulite since the 1970s , since the miniskirt – invented by the whimsical English designer Mary Quant in the middle of the last century – became an integral part of every woman’s wardrobe. Discovering the legs, after decades of ankle skirts, women have realized that many of them (between 80 and 90%) young and old, chubby or thin have cellulite !
These “little bumps” under the skin – which in the first half of the last century were considered a sign of well-being and beauty! – have suddenly been pointed out as a real “defect” to get rid of with every possible technique, manipulation or concoction. Some of you will probably have some memories, albeit with the edges blurred by time, of the anti-cellulite methods of a few decades ago our grandmothers underwent … Huge vibrating bands on the buttocks, as noisy as ineffective, or the fucus seaweed tablets and terrible hot baths followed by profuse sweating in an attempt to “melt” the enemy …
Fortunately, things have changed today! The study of the “cellulite phenomenon” has also allowed science to understand the mechanisms of this imperfection, so much so that, from a simple defect, cellulite is now defined as a real dysfunction . The good news is, thankfully, it never ends fatally!
To understand how to treat in a natural way, and therefore knowing how to choose the best natural remedies against cellulite blemishes with awareness, you must first know it.
Cellulite blemishes: natural remedies (the ones that really work!)
Food supplements
Given the multifactorial aspect of cellulite, the problem must be tackled on various fronts. Among the natural remedies, the first place goes to plant-based food supplements . Nature with its ” vis medicatrix ” has supported us for millennia. So giving it up today would be a real shame!
An effective cocktail, with strong anti-cellulite properties, to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation , oxygenate and nourish the tissues by removing waste and toxins , with a soothing and antioxidant action must certainly include: Pineapple, Centella asiatica, Red Vine, Garcinia and Gynostemma .
- Pineapple . Pineapple stem extract is rich in beneficial properties. In fact, it contains proteolytic enzymes, which favor the digestion of proteins, in particular bromelain, and has draining, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties.
- Gotu kola . Centella can never be lacking in anti-cellulite formulations. In fact, it decreases congestion of the venous circulation, reduces inflammation, supports the production of collagen and has an excellent draining effect. Indispensable, therefore, in case of edema.
- Red Vine . It is rich in flavonoids with anti-oxidant action, in particular supporting the capillary and draining microcirculation. The combination with Centella further strengthens its effectiveness.
- Garcinia cambogia . Thanks to the Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) it contains, Garcinia performs a double action: it promotes the control of the sense of hunger and inhibits the digestion of fats, thus reducing their assimilation.
- Gynostemma . It has anti-oxidant, energizing properties and supports liver functions. Like Garcinia, it decreases the sense of hunger and acts favorably on the physiological metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids.
If you do not know how to mix the appropriate quantities of these different plant extracts , the best solution is a product that contains them all, simple to take because in capsules such as Biosnel Formula Potenziata di Salugea .
Combined action on several fronts ensures greater chances of success! We therefore recommend that you adapt your diet to the goal to be achieved. The best thing is to contact a good nutritionist who will compose a tailor-made diet for you , also based on your physical conformation and your tastes.
If you prefer do-it-yourself instead, remember that in your plate for 1 portion (contained!) Of proteins (meat, fish, legumes, eggs) there should be 5 portions of vegetables, cooked or raw to your liking (possibly BIO ). Consume one fruit twice a day, away from meals.
Prefer whole grains and drastically decrease your consumption of pro-inflammatory foods (baked goods with refined flours and sugars, hydrogenated fats, refined grains, sausages, dairy products, etc.) and increase your intake of foods rich in antioxidants, plant species and blue fish . Keep hydration high with still water, herbal teas, soups and limit your intake of caffeine and fizzy drinks to a minimum.
Start your day with a little organic lemon juice in warm water with a few drops of olive oil (purifies and alkalizes) and take two teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, before the two main meals.
Caring for the body (and mind!)
To complement the synergistic effect between ad hoc food supplements and a balanced diet , movement and massage cannot be missing . In the first case, preferably aerobic activities without excessive effort such as brisk walking, swimming, pilates and yoga are very suitable.
In the second, Vodder’s lymphatic drainage is undoubtedly the most suitable since, with delicate and rhythmic movements, it induces the “emptying” of the main lymphatic nodes and the consequent elimination of toxins. Alternatively, a myofascial massage may be useful to reshape the shape by relaxing the “connective bands” .
With the intake of an excellent 100% natural supplement, physical activity and massage, you will achieve a double effect: in addition to oxygenating the tissues, you will promote blood circulation and eliminate toxins, you can also relax the mind and thus remove all the harmful effects of stress that, as you have seen, contribute to the formation of cellulite!
What characteristics must the best natural supplement for cellulite blemishes have?
It is very important to know how to choose the most suitable product. And the best way to do this is to follow some simple guidelines on the characteristics that an excellent dietary supplement for cellulite blemishes must have :
- it is packaged in pharmaceutical grade dark glass (not in plastic or blister!), so it is safe and eco-friendly;
- under the aluminum cap of each package, there must be the reusable “safeguard” seal to guarantee the perfect preservation of the product during its intake;
- the active ingredients that make up each formulation must be dry extracted with high titration , the best possible form of processing of the plant;
- the ingredients must be all 100% natural as well as the excipients (less than 5%);
- the capsules (which can be opened if necessary) containing the active ingredients must be 100% vegetable (and not of bovine origin);
- the supplement must be notified to the Italian Ministry of Health (and the relative code must appear on the label!)
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