MD Mediterranean diet to reduce fat, blood sugar and cholesterol

MD Mediterranean diet to reduce fat, blood sugar and cholesterol

It is called Med-Diary or Mediterranean diet MD and it is a very special Mediterranean-type diet, because it reduces visceral fat, cholesterol and blood sugar. Developed by Australian scientists, the MD Mediterranean diet was analyzed in two major studies.

In the first study , those who followed the MD Mediterranean diet for 8 weeks without counting calories and eating normally reduced cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure.

In the second study, on a sample of almost two hundred thousand people, those who had followed the indications of the MD Mediterranean diet had a reduction in the cm of the waist, blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. Always without reducing calories.
But what does the MD Mediterranean diet consist of?


Researchers at the University of South Australia School of Health Sciences realized that the normal recommendations about the benefits of a Mediterranean diet for health and weight did not cover people’s daily calcium needs.


This is something that I have also noticed: in the traditional Mediterranean diet, two portions of dairy products per day and a 50 gram portion of mature cheese or 100 grams of cheese such as ricotta or mozzarella maximum twice a week are recommended.
By daily portion of dairy products we mean: two 125-gram yoghurts or 250 ml of milk in all. Total: about 300-400 mg of calcium. Let’s consider “spreading” on a weekly basis the two additional portions of aged cheese (100 g) or fresh dairy product (200 g): we will obtain approximately 1100-1400 mg of calcium in total, which divided by seven gives us a maximum of 200 mg of football.

So we get a total of 600 mg per day. Consider that the human body absorbs 35% of calcium from milk derivatives, less from other foods.

The weekly calcium requirement for an adult man is about one gram on average, i.e. 1000 mg. That goes up to 1200-1300 mg for women after menopause or in pregnancy. Two liters of water gives 60 mg of calcium. Other foods provide calcium in low doses and often not bioavailable due to the content of phytates, oxalates and other substances that inhibit its absorption.

This is the case of legumes and a large part of vegetables. Other foods such as soy milk can provide calcium, but with lower bio-availability and high phytoestrogen content.
Many vegan foods have added synthetic calcium. But calcium as a supplement can have serious side effects .

Considering also the foods and substances that inhibit calcium intake, Australian scientists have created the MD Mediterranean diet: a diet where the consumption of dairy products and cheeses is double compared to the Mediterranean diet.

The results evaluated over the years have been very positive.

A third study also found that the greater the amount of these foods in the diet, the less fat accumulated around the waist.

Finally, a recent research published in The Lancet had already shown that those who consumed more dairy products and low-fat cheeses, in portions of 3-4 per day, had less cardiovascular risks, lower blood pressure and better body weight.

Let’s see how to do a Mediterranean MD diet to lose abdominal fat, reduce cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure.

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