Lose weight in 15 days for Easter

Lose weight in 15 days for Easter

I am writing this article a little in advance, or rather with a view to wanting to lose weight in 14 or 15 days for the Easter holiday.
A party that will lead us to exaggerate a little with the desserts and the often calorie-rich dishes of our tradition, from casatiello to the Pasqualina cake.

chocolate easter

What I propose is some tricks to lose little weight in two weeks, without regaining it and without gaining weight at Easter.

The 15-day weight loss scheme is that of the cyclical diet of an American coach and nutrition expert.
6 days of diet and one day off, in which to eat in abundance. In this way, we will train our metabolism to be able to eat a lot on the day off without gaining weight.

This to lose weight in 15 days is a really simple but effective scheme to lose weight, and above all safe, precisely because thanks to the days in which we eat more (freely!), We do not slow down our metabolism. For the day off there are no limitations, apart from one: avoid eating until you burst, which is not good for you.


The diet is a 1200 calorie low calorie diet for women and 1600 calories for men. To reach this caloric result, men will simply have to add about 50 grams of extra carbohydrates per meal (of cereals or potatoes or bread) plus one / two extra rusks for breakfast or an extra half portion of dessert for breakfast.

It is neither a sugar free nor a restrictive diet.
The day off is mandatory, it should not be skipped.
In this case it will be Sunday.

Another fundamental rule is to do activities on diet days: those who do not do the gym or other workouts must walk at a very fast pace and without stopping for at least an hour a day or do this activity at home for only 20 minutes. . That’s all.

How Much Weight Can You Lose in 15 Days? If you follow these simple guidelines you will lose at least one and a half kilograms, but without gaining weight at Easter.


2 rusks with two teaspoons of jam + two tablespoons of lean ricotta or spreadable soy cheese (35 g) or a 125-gram low-fat yogurt, to which add some stevia or other sweetener. A sugar-free tea or coffee with an optional spoonful of milk.
Greedy alternative : half a slice of Pastiera Light + or 1 slice of Migliaccio Light with chocolate + coffee or tea.

Snack: a sugar-free orange juice (200 ml) or alternatively two clementines or one and a half pounds of strawberries.

Lunch .
100 gr of grilled chicken or 50 gr of bresaola or raw ham or 70 gr of tofu or 40 gr stracchino or 100 gr of boiled legumes of your choice.
200 grams of stewed vegetables in a teaspoon of oil between zucchini, peppers, artichokes, mushrooms, chicory, chard, endive, radicchio, onions, tomatoes, spinach, asparagus, bean sprouts + 50 grams of cereals (raw weight) between wheat buckwheat, quinoa, millet, oats, red rice, amaranth, brown rice, basmati rice or wholemeal pasta.
Spices and herbs are in unlimited quantities.
As an alternative to cereals 70 grams of rye or wholemeal bread. A coffee or tea without sugar.

Snack: 1 apple or pear baked in the oven with cinnamon + a 5 gram cube of extra dark chocolate.
Greedy alternative: 100 grams of strawberries + 12 grams of Easter egg.

Dinner. 140 grams of white fish of your choice or 116 grams of natural tuna or 120 grams of veal / chicken / turkey meat or two eggs or 60 grams of cooked ham or bresaola or 150 grams of cottage cheese.
250 grams of stewed vegetables in a teaspoon of oil including zucchini, peppers, artichokes, mushrooms, chicory, chard, endive, radicchio, onions, tomatoes, spinach, asparagus, bean sprouts + a small potato (100 gr) or a slice of 35 gram rye bread or a 100 gram banana after meal.
Spices and herbs are in unlimited quantities.

To drink: only plain water or herbal teas or unsweetened tea.

The diet should be done from Monday to Saturday. Sunday is a free day.
The same pattern is resumed on the following Monday. Easter Sunday is the day off.

For those who want, Easter Monday can be considered another day off, as long as you resume the pattern from Tuesday to Sunday without further tears and then do a third week after Easter.

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