Lose weight by training: go to the gym but don’t lose weight?

Lose weight by training: go to the gym but don’t lose weight?

The fitness industry in recent years has experienced a real boom: from HIIT programs that promise to lose weight quickly with a high-intensity activity to do for a few minutes, at home and even in a hotel if we are on vacation, to online coaches who sell assistance packages, complete with a personalized diet and training plan, for those who want more professional help in the gym than a simple room instructor.
Yet, despite the offer becoming more detailed and competitive every day, many people leave the gym: about 60 percent leave within the first three months of enrollment.
Why does it happen? Why most people want to lose weight by working out is simple. But he does not get the desired results and is demotivated. 
In this article I’ll explain why it happens.

– Because you aim to burn calories and not build lean mass:
the reasoning is simple. If I burn more calories, I lose weight more easily, because I believe there is a deficit between how much I eat and how much energy I consume. This is only theoretically correct. If you burn more calories and create a deficit, you lose weight. But if you don’t focus on gaining muscle mass, you don’t lose fat, on the contrary, you risk losing muscle too. With the result that the more you do purely aerobic workouts to burn the more you weaken and risk metabolic stall. The best training to lose weight remains a mix between aerobic and anaerobic activity: the second (against resistance: for example lifting weights. Or under stress: for example high intensity) must always precede the first.
– Why do you combine the stress of a too strict diet with the stress of the gym:staying on a low calorie diet for a long time slows down your metabolism, and staying on a low calorie diet for a long time and combining this stress with training can really put your body in crisis. Go in stages, and don’t cut out essential macronutrients in your diet. Choose the right workout first, and let your body adjust to sweat and move more. Next, review your diet without cutting calories too much: eat as usual on days you work out, cut some calories (20 percent is enough) on rest days. Aim for protein at every meal, but don’t shy away from carbohydrates. The results will not be long in coming. – Because you compensate with food: the more stressful your workout, the more you tend to eat more.

A typical compensatory expedient of our brain, for which we have the impression that, since we are going to the gym, we can indulge in a few more whims at the table. Actually, for point one, you don’t go to the gym just to burn calories, but to get better body composition in terms of fat / muscle (less than the first and more than the second). Some anaerobic workouts don’t make us burn who knows how many calories, so there’s no need to compensate with food.
– Why do you start doing too much: we usually already lead a stressful life. Going to the gym every day and switching from couch mode to elite athlete mode with the idea that we will lose weight faster is one of the most common mistakes that beginners make. The result is stress build-up, which results in slow metabolism and bloating. We look bad in the mirror, we sleep worse, we end up not having adequate time to rest. Better not to start drastically, but soft, with a workout two or three times a week (if long) or half an hour four or five times a week if short but at high intensity.
– Why do you pay too much attention to the scale:if you train with criteria, and not with the idea “I burn a lot, eat little, lose weight in a flash”, the scale will not be our friend in 90% of cases. The improvements we must have in the loss of body fat, not kilos. So many people find themselves in better physical shape and a weight that hasn’t shifted a pound, but actually wears two less sizes of clothes within a year. If they had only considered the scale as a parameter, they would have quit. This is because, for the same volume, muscle weighs more than fat: it requires more water and nutrition, while body fat is lighter. Skinny doesn’t mean lighter. Not necessarily.
So, to recap: choosing to lose weight by exercising is the best method to achieve fat loss. But you have to choose the right workout (I explained it to you in point 1), avoid joining the gym with a crash diet, and be patient with the scale, using the mirror as a parameter. As well as the satisfaction of seeing yourself stronger and healthier every day.


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