Dr. Oz’s metabolism diet

Dr. Oz’s metabolism diet

This diet for the metabolism of Dr. Oz allows you to awaken a slightly tired thyroid in 28 days , and is suitable for those people who suffer from slow metabolism and have low levels of thyroid hormones, but are not hypothyroid in a full-blown way (therefore not do replacement therapies).

It is a program designed to naturally improve thyroid health, and thus encourage the body to burn energy properly, while also improving metabolism.

Developed by nutritionist Haylie Pomroy, the famous author of the book “The supermetabolism diet”, this metabolism diet allows us to lose weight without upsetting our eating habits, but optimizing them to lose weight and feel better (less fatigued, more energetic during the day, less depressed). Let’s see in detail what it is.

28-day program by Haylie Pomroy and Dr. Oz

Breakfast:  Have breakfast with a smoothie made with foods rich in tyrosine and antioxidants.

Blend a cup of raw spinach with a tablespoon of flax seeds and 100g of red fruits (blueberries, currants, raspberries, pomegranates), and add a cup of water or unsweetened coconut or almond plant milk, plus the stevia.

Or  a cup of 150/170 greek yogurt (also delactosed) natural, skimmed, 2% fat or whole (bene Fage) with a handful of blueberries, pomegranate, raspberries of your choice + a tablespoon of flax seeds or a handful of chopped pistachios or ground almonds and a teaspoon of wheat germ plus a teaspoon of honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon.

Have a protein lunch: Avoid worsening sleepiness and fatigue by eating carbohydrates for lunch if you don’t digest them well, while improving your digestion.

Instead, eat proteins for lunch: a 125-gram serving of meat or fish (especially salmon, trout, mackerel, anchovies, natural tuna), turkey or veal or chicken or lean pork. You can add a plate of raw vegetables such as salad, tomatoes, etc., or cooked with a tablespoon of oil of your choice, and finish the meal with two nuts and a digestive herbal tea.

You can eat two Brazilian nut snacks throughout the day – 4-5 nuts accompanied by a cup of green tea are a good mid-morning and afternoon snack.

Carbohydrate Dinner: Try a single plate for dinner that includes carbohydrates and proteins.
For example 200 gr baked potatoes or 50 gr of wholemeal bread with fish or meat dish (125 gr) and vegetables in quantity, a potato omelette (same weight) with two eggs and an egg white plus a side of vegetables or a dish brown rice (50 grams from raw) with legumes (100 grams from cooked) and vegetables, or wholemeal pasta (75 g) with canned tuna (natural, 116 g box), and cherry tomatoes. Use a teaspoon of oil.

Use iodized salt: iodized
 salt is not a friend of those who suffer from thyroid disease, but for those who have slowed metabolism and low hormones, they can use it to stimulate the thyroid.

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