Italian doctor Nowzaradan: here is the clinic to be reborn

Italian doctor Nowzaradan: here is the clinic to be reborn

After the success of the reality show ” The clinic to be reborn ” on Real Time, which explores the stories of seriously obese Italian patients treated by Dr. Cristiano Giardiello, the doctor has begun to be referred to as the Italian Dr. Nowzaradan.
In fact, Dr. Giardiello directs the Obesity Center at the Pineta Grande in Caserta, where the episodes of the Italian reality show were recorded. But there is more.

In a country like Italy which is among the fattest in Europe, with an emergency especially in the south, Dr. Giardiello often acts as a consultant in other Italian hospitals as well.

But in the meantime we have seen it in the format “The Clinic to be reborn” which however differs from the “Vite a Limite” program because the approach with which severe obesity cases are resolved is very different.


In fact, in the Obesity Center team we see the collaborators of Dr. Giardiello, in particular a psychotherapist and a dietician (Dr. Cesaro and Schiano di Cola), who show how obesity can be tackled according to different areas of intervention. In the Vite al Limite program, Dr. Now’s collaborators have a more marginal role.

  • Unlike Dr. Nowzaradan’s diet, the one proposed in the “Clinic to be reborn” program is not the same for everyone, also because the treatments for obesity are different and not all surgical.
  • In Vite al Limite , the testimony of a patient of Dr. Nowzaradan instead allowed us to have a slimming diet, while on the website of the doctor’s clinic there is a maintenance one.
  • In the Italian case, the diet differs from patient to patient who learns a nutritional education, and only in the post-surgery should he have an essentially protein diet in a transitory way. The pre-surgery diet is still slimming, mind you.
  • In this program, either for the patient’s diary, or for the meetings, there is a lot of attention to the problems of those who are obese and the interventions to overcome them. Personally, I prefer it to the “Vite al Limite” program (aside from Now sympathy).

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