Instagram bans weight loss products and crash diets

Instagram bans weight loss products and crash diets

Can we do whatever we want on social media?
Evidently not.
Especially if we use social media for promotional purposes but to the detriment of the health of minors.

This is what is felt behind the decision of Instagram , the social media of images, to ban all images and posts of slimming products, drastic diets and advertising of surgical and aesthetic interventions if the user is under 18 years old.

Whether it’s detox tea, protein supplements, weight loss packs, or whatever, all of this stuff won’t have to be within the reach of teens using the platform anymore.

Certainly an admirable decision. A result obtained after years of heated controversy and battles of many characters worried about the influence of the wrong models on the health of their children due to social media.
Note the position of activist Jameela Jamil on this matter.

Instagram , owned by Facebook since 2012, is therefore adopting the same policy of precautionary restriction of images and content that can be dangerous for some users, or promote wrong behavior, even if with different criteria.

In this case, it is right to protect minors from all those stars or coaches who sponsor detox and slimming products or aesthetic procedures in their posts.


In the viewfinder of the famous photo social network, also the Kardashian sisters.
The “Kardashians” have launched their own line of slimming products.
And they are famous for their drastic, sometimes downright absurd diets. We are happy if Kim Kardashian has lost thirty kilos with the ketogenic diet: but who does not remember her very dangerous Di lei bustier?
Of which Kardashian was, of course, a testimonial?

But posts by characters like Gemma Collins and Cardi B have also been censored for the same reason.

These are show business people or influencers who get paid to promote drastic weight loss supplements and remedies.

Their profiles will not be blacked out and in general no profile is at risk of being banned.

But all those posts that suggest the purchase of slimming products, slimming drinks, slimming packages and any other devilry to lose weight, even cosmetics, that clearly contains an invitation to put your wallet in your hands, will be blacked out for anyone under 18.

Such posts are a dangerous decoy for those who have not yet reached the age of majority.

They lead adolescents and adolescents to imitate behaviors that can be harmful to their health and place them prematurely in a context of confronting their own weight and appearance with models that pose themselves with wrong and dangerous attitudes.

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