Inflamed knee cartilage, natural remedies

Inflamed knee cartilage, natural remedies

The cartilage of the knee is divided into several parts and includes the menisci. The inflammation can be alleviated with simple natural remedies that decongest the part involved.

Inflamed knee cartilage, natural remedies

The knee is an extremely important joint , the flexibility of which allows us to walk, run, sit, squat and kneel.

It puts the upper part of our body in contact with the one that touches the ground and supports us , symbolically it is the articulation of conscious prayer, of the request, just think of the religious ritual, or the traditional act with which the marriage proposal is made, but also of surrender, in surrendering we raise our arms and we often kneel. In short, in the knees our pride reigns, emotional rigidity and it can be a psychosomatic reading of the disorders that affect this part.

Inflammation of the cartilage, what is it?

The inflammatory processes affecting the cartilage of the knee can be very painful and caused either by trauma or wear , cartilage degeneration is a possibility that occurs with age or if you have endured years of exhausting sports, such as the marathon, skiing, soccer for example. Inflammation of the meniscus can also be accompanied by swelling due to an overproduction of fluid, a sensation of internal heat and pain.Read also Knee rehabilitation techniques >>

Natural remedies for nee cartilage inflammation

> The first intervention to bring to an inflamed knee is ice , to extinguish the internal fire, anesthetize and deflate the part: it must be a procedure to be adopted several times a day for about a quarter of an hour.

>  Clay : making green clay compresses several times a day allows you to de-inflammation the knee, and absorb excess fluid. The clay is prepared with warm water, a teaspoon of olive oil to make it elastic. Mix everything with a wooden or plastic spoon, never a metal one. The mixture is left to act for about 10 minutes, when the compress heats up, changing color and dries up, it is good to rinse the knee with warm water.

> Arnica: after the clay pack, a generous dose of arnica forte in gel or ointment is the recommended treatment. Arnica is a natural anti -inflammatory that can be used topically, while for internal use we must turn to homeopathy which has created a diluted formulation, in granules without toxicity.

> Devil’s Claw : there are ointments based on Devil’s Claw, Arnica, Cayenne Pepper, which in this case, however, would carry out a  revulsive , decongestant and warming action that may therefore not be suitable for the condition, in fact it depends on the type of inflammation and which knee cartilage is involved, better seek the advice of the doctor. The Devil’s Claw, however, can be taken internally in dry or hydroalcoholic extract: it has an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving action. We often find devil’s claw in phytocomplexes with Boswelliaand Glucosamine which enhance its effect and make it an effective remedy for many ailments of a joint nature.


Cartilage and menisci

The cartilage of the knee is both fibrous in nature , therefore resistant to mechanical stress, and hyaline , smooth and flexible and is structured in 3 parts: medial meniscus, lateral meniscus and articular cartilage which perform different functions.

> The cartilage of the menisci protects the knee from excesses of extension and flexion, absorbs the weight of the body, supports the ligaments and stabilizes the joint, promotes the lubrication of the knee with synovial fluid.

> Articular cartilage governs joint mobility and protects the various parts involved, femur, tibia and patella, from collisions with each other.


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