Insect bites: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Insect bites: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Insect bites are one of the negative sides of the summer: in this period, in fact, insects rest on the ankles, arms and legs to leave some “memories”, which we define more precisely  wheal.  Let’s find out better how to prevent and treat them.

Insect bites, natural remedies

What is the wheal

The wheal is a circumscribed swelling of the skin,  irregularly shaped and  rounded , smooth, reddish in color, surrounded by a red halo , usually itchy , and has the characteristic of forming within a few seconds and disappearing more or less quickly. Saliva or the insect ‘s sting usually causes the wheal . 

It goes without saying that the most common case, especially in summer, is that of  mosquito bites . If at least once in your life you have wondered how it is possible to feel so much itch in the case of a mosquito bite, we reveal that the  mosquito’s saliva performs an  anticoagulant function to promote bleeding; anesthetizing to delay the victim’s reaction; and finally rubefacient , as it draws the blood flow to allow a better meal to be facilitated. Real war machines, it seems.

The stimuli that help insects identify their targets are of the olfactory type , but often the heat of the body or the colors of the clothes we wear can also cause the attraction.



We provide you not so much edible, but well wrinkle-free on the affected part. These remedies derive from popular culture and are widespread among those who, perhaps living in particularly humid areas, usually find themselves dealing with mosquito or other insect bites .

It is useful to rub the limoncina grass or fresh basil on the area , and then just wet it with a little olive oil. To keep insects away, some prepare bunches of tomato leaves  and hang them indoors. 

Finally, an important tip on what to avoid at the table to keep mosquitoes away. Mosquito bites appear to create very intense wheals and noticeable reactions in people who are intolerant to yeast and freely eat fermented foods . 

Olive oil for insect bites: all its properties

Properties and benefits of olive oil

Herbal medicine in case of insect bites

Natural remedies for insect bites are mainly of two types: preventive and soothing . Most of the reference remedies are however inherent to the exquisitely aromatherapy area and for this we refer you to the item on essential oils. Most repellents are extracted from readily available plants.

You could grow aromatic plants  that contain to a considerable extent the same substances found in the most common repellents on the market today, it is one of the best ways to protect the home from insects. Aloe vera gel or calendula oil applied directly to wheal can help soothe itching and burning in minutes.

Bach flowers 

Bach flowers  work on the health of the body and on the state of mind . The Rescue Remedy  , for example, is the emergency remedy that is used in case of trauma or bad news, fears, momentary stress. An unexpected and annoying sting also falls into this category.

Essential oils for insect bites

There are excellent soothing liquids on sale in roll-on form, which contain a natural blend of essential oils with  antiseptic and  antibiotic properties . They are not greasy and have a soothing and protective action. They are applied directly to the affected area, without massaging, even several times a day. Ask your trusted herbalist. In general, the essential oils of lemongrass , basil and geranium are excellent . Essential oils are the most powerful insect repellents provided by Nature, because they allow you to keep insects at a distance in a non-toxic way, creating a barrier of odors that annoy them and keeping them away.  

Lavender essential oil is a cure-all in case of insect bites. You can apply 1 or 2 drops directly on the affected area and in a few minutes you will feel the benefit. 

Homeopathic remedies for insect bites

The remedies for insect bites in homeopathy vary according to the type of wheal. The  5 CH or 7 CH dilution is the one usually recommended by your trusted homeopath. As for the dosage, usually 3-4 granules are taken even every 10 minutes in the acute phase, and then gradually reducing the frequency of intake.

If the wheal is pink and swollen and the desire for cold application is high,  Apis mellifica is used . Ledum palustre if, on the other hand, the wheal  is white edged with red, and it seems cold.

If there is no desire to apply cold on the part, but rather, cold water increases the burning, we proceed with  Urtica urens . If immediately after the sting the person reacts with weakness and fear, Arsenicum album . 


Don’t scratch. You will say, what exercise will it ever be? But it is a real Zen training , a spiritual practice to resist the useless temptation to “scratch”. 

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