Hypertension, food supplements and the right foods to fight it

Hypertension, food supplements and the right foods to fight it

Hypertension is one of the “critical” items both in the context of the metabolic syndrome and in that of cardiovascular risk: hypertensive people are more subject to serious risks to their health, and must keep cholesterol and blood sugar under control in order to avoid repercussions important not only on body weight but on life expectancy . Generally, environmental factors such as stress, alcohol, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to raising blood pressure, while the right level of physical activity, the reduction of stress and stressors (bad lifestyle habits) are the first thing to consider for lower blood pressure too high.In this article we see what are the foods that can help reduce hypertension , but also the one hundred percent natural supplements that can make a real difference.

In addition to reducing salt with the help of more natural foods and less industrial products in the pantry and the use of aromatic herbs, let’s see in more detail what food strategies to implement to lower hypertension.

  1. Eat raw and unpeeled vegetables: in particular, raw and very colorful vegetables, such as beetroot, carrots, radishes, fennel, celery, cucumbers, Tropea red onions, cherry tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, endive, fennel and even broccoli and rocket, they are all vegetables that we can eat raw,and that reduce hypertension. The consumption of raw vegetables must be daily and must open the meal for both lunch and dinner. For those suffering from digestive problems, the vegetables can be chopped, for example, by making pesto (try making a celery leaf pesto!), Blending them together with the boiled chickpeas to obtain quick cold creams to accompany toasted wholemeal bread, spoonfuls to flavor fish carpaccio. Smoothies are also good, for example of beetroot and blueberry or fennel. Among the cooked vegetables, yes to leafy vegetables such as beets, endive, thistle, artichoke, asparagus, mushrooms.
  2. Focus on antioxidants: foods rich in antioxidants, starting with berries, pomegranate, seaweed (spirulina, klamath, kombu), grapes, citrus fruits, green tea and matcha tea, are a panacea for hypertension. Even aromatic herbs, dried and fresh, contain many precious trace elements to keep high blood pressure at bay. Among fruit, blueberries and red fruits, grapes, ripe bananas (not unripe), oranges and other citrus fruits, pineapple, pomegranate, are excellent allies and should be consumed in at least two daily portions.
  3. Not the usual first course of pasta: the use of grains such as buckwheat, oats, brown rice, or potatoes boiled and seasoned in a simple way (a drizzle of raw oil) or legumes are to be changed instead of the usual dish of pasta, for a healthy first course. They should be combined with vegetables, preferably fibrous.
  4. Omega 3, omega 3, omega 3: flax seeds (and relative oil, to be kept in the dark and in the fridge), pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, nuts, fish, especially cold water, but also lean farmed meats grazing. These foods have an excellent supply of omega 3, a type of polyunsaturated fat that lowers hypertension and cholesterol, while also improving insulin sensitivity. You can get them by taking these foods in your diet (and again: seaweed !!!) or as supplements. And speaking of supplements, let’s see two highly recommended options for hypertension sufferers on page two

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