HTC , a manufacturer of virtual reality peripherals, has finally revealed all the details related to its new upcoming project: HTC Vive Cosmos . This is obviously a virtual reality headset, the specs of which have all been revealed, as is the release date! In fact, we will be able to get our hands on the new HTC -branded invention very soon, to be exact on October 3 this year. The pre-order can already be done through this link, but let’s now deepen the information in our possession related to the new product arriving on the shelves.
HTC Vive Cosmos will be sold at the initial price of $ 699, well $ 100 less than its predecessor, but obviously will have very different characteristics from the latter. The new viewer will in fact use an inside-out tracking system, thanks to which external cameras will not be necessary, one of the main defects of HTC Vive . The new headset will also be able to obtain hardware changes during its life cycle, thanks to expansion gadgets that will be sold separately. Obviously we will not have a computer in front of us, but despite the basic structure will always remain the same, this time the viewer can also be supported at the hardware level as well as software. An interesting feature shown is also the possibility of easily overturning the viewer, in order to switch from the vision of the virtual world to the real one, and vice versa, with extreme immediacy.
Also this device will need a PC connected during use, which will provide the computing power necessary to use the dedicated software. The resolution will be 1400 × 1700 for each eye and the refresh rate of 90hz, certainly two good results, certainly in line with the cost of the device which is certainly not insignificant.
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