How to prepare for the medicine test

Have you decided to take the medical admission test ?
Then in this article we can help you on how to prepare a work plan by focusing on what are the topics to be prepared.
We must be aware that the 2018 test was more difficult than the 2017 one.
Should we therefore expect an easy test or a difficult test ?
How can we prepare the work to be done?
Vailo has discovered that the first of the many false myths that I want to get out of your head today is that the preparation for the test can be done with an application work that leads to solving the questions we find in the books.
Often, in an approximate and certainly wrong way, the children decide that working on the questions they find in the books, randomly, may be the best strategy to follow.
In short, the point is: if you memorize the quiz questions you are already one step inside the exam.
This thing, which then in the end is done by everyone, is really very wrong. In fact, we can’t show up for admission with a bunch of memorized questions that we don’t even know well the meaning of.
We have to organize our work in a completely different way. We must, in fact, think about:
- understanding the quiz questions
- elements of theory
- organization and also time management
- techniques for solving questions
- all the emotional factors that can affect the day of the test.
Obviously, if we want to make some predictions, we cannot help but imagine that in the 2019 admission test there are no questions of logic.
Why is logic used?
Because logic is what is considered a macro-container of many topics and therefore we cannot work by learning the questions that are provided to us by the test batteries that we decide to take from the texts.
But we have to check all aspects of that topic so as not to arrive unprepared for the day of the exam. We will certainly find the series of figures and also the logic diagrams, so we work a lot on those, we try to understand the mechanism that leads to the solution of these puzzles.
Then there are, of course, also questions of biology and chemistry. A lot of students are wondering if you need a questioning knowledge from high school or an already university knowledge. Obviously, a precise and specific knowledge of these topics is needed because they will be touched and also a lot in the test.
As well as mathematics and physics that have simple questions but are often not really studied by children who find themselves quite unprepared from this point of view. And that can make a difference, of course.
Also pay attention to the type of logic we find in the test. In fact, two years ago we found a mathematical logic but last year the test was all about verbal logic.
In mathematical logic we have proportions and linear systems. Instead, verbal logic is all about syllogisms, negations, understanding of the text, equivalences of sentences and verbal analogies.
You start studying logic, don’t just do random exercises, try to understand the mechanism behind it and do an in-depth study, leaving nothing to fate.
Then study the theoretical part of biology and chemistry in depth and don’t forget to review mathematics and physics. Without it, you may not be able to prepare yourself properly.
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