How to detox after a feast of sweets

How to detox after a feast of sweets


How to regulate ourselves from a dietary point of view, if we are returning from (or plan to have) a feast of sweets?

Occasion that can happen in those holidays where there are traditional sweets for children, such as Epiphany, Halloween, Carnival, but in which adults do not fail to take advantage of it by eating sweets in quantity.

But what are the health consequences of an occasional feast of sweets? Let’s see what the ” sugar binge ” consists of, what effects it has on our body and how to remedy it.


binge on sweets

What happens after a feast of sweets?
Blood sugar goes up, insulin goes up, blood sugar goes down, and we’re hungry again. It is one of the problems of foods rich in simple sugars associated with fats. After a while, we want more. This is why you quickly go from treating to eating treats, resulting in hunger soon after. And it is difficult to get back in line because the combination of sugars and fats stimulates the appetite.

We move from the first phase of euphoria and well-being to a certain apathy: when we eat too many sugars and fats together, at the beginning we feel an immediate feeling of euphoria and well-being. Dopamine is activated, just like when we enjoy something. But after that there is an increase in stress in the body, to which the body reacts. We feel apathetic and sluggish. And here it becomes all the more difficult not to give in to other sweets.

We have digestive and retention problems.
Sweets cause an accumulation of fluids, so in the following hours until the next day, we feel more swelling. But also digestive problems, because in the intestine this combination acts on the so-called bad bacteria, not to mention that the fermentation of excess fructose in the intestine causes us to swell in the belly and which, associated with fats, weighs down the liver, causing a greater production of bad cholesterol. .

The good news is that there is a remedy for all of this.
Far from telling us how bad we have been, here’s how we can make up for the feast of sweets. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO)

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