How not to get fat? Avoid these two situations

How not to get fat? Avoid these two situations

How not to get fat? How to avoid stalling during a diet because we go too far or how to avoid gaining weight if we have reached our desired weight and want to maintain it?
There are two situations that we need to limit or avoid from my point of view, trying to find better alternatives when they happen to us. These are two “social” situations that are widespread and that it would be better to limit them to once or twice a month, trying not to make them become weekly or even biweekly habits. This is because they are both situations in which going overboard is really easy. Here is from my experience what they are.

How not to get fat: avoid the aperitif and spirits
– The Italian aperitif or even the aperitif
 are very compromising situations if we are trying to follow a slimming regime or to stay in our ideal weight. First of all, alcohol increases water retention and negatively affects metabolism, especially if we drink spirits, and even worse if we drink cocktails with super alcohol.

Often the aperitif buffets are poor in healthy proposals (raw vegetables) and you end up eating very seasoned finger food, therefore fat, pizzas and chips or fried in bad oils and too rich in salt. Plus, you hardly ever limit yourself to a glass of alcohol.
The solution is to identify places where the buffet also includes raw vegetables, limit yourself to wine or prosecco and remember to make a protein meal with vegetables and lean proteins in the lunch meal, avoiding the pasta dish.. This is because in all likelihood the meals served during the aperitif will be based on carbohydrates. If this is not possible, it is better to divert to healthier meal alternatives or drink a glass of wine at the bar, preferring a handful of olives (simple, not seasoned) and two simple bruschetta with tomato so as not to drink on an empty stomach.
Let’s look at the second most life-threatening situation on page two.

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