Help digestion and deflate the belly as well

Help digestion and deflate the belly as well

Today I reveal a little trick that I am using to help digestion and deflate the stomach, not only in view of the summer, but above all because in times of stress and overwork I happen to be unable to digest anything . My home remedy these days is a special water, which I drink before lunch and dinner, and which has brought me many benefits: not only do I digest better, but I have a flat stomach even after eating, and above all, I get full Moreover.
This water has a noticeable satiating effect.
Here is the recipe for one dose to use in a week:
in a bowl mix four heaping tablespoons of black cumin seeds with four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, 250 ml of water and a teaspoon of honey.
Keep the mixture to rest for at least one night in the fridge, and use a spoon to dissolve in half a glass of water just before meals. It can be kept for a week.
I’ve been a fan of cumin seeds ever since I discovered its properties ( talking about it here ) and the remedy worked with me: the stress continues, but at least I digest and eat with a flat stomach again!

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