Healthy weight, guilt and a solution

Healthy weight, guilt and a solution

blackforest cakeA Dutch research published in the journal  Psychology & Health, states that the failure of diets is due to the fact that food restriction does not always lead to the much hoped for weight loss. On the contrary. The failure of the diet would be combined with the sense of guilt , which will be irremediably associated with food, so that, the researchers say, the more one is on a diet, the more one tends to eat without taste, but with enormous feelings of guilt that multiply all the time. idea of ​​being able to gain weight. Which then creates in people who are always on a diet, a sort of frustrating return unhappiness , and the lack of taste for those who are hopelessly experienced as gluttony and that’s it.

In fact, the study examined 148 students, asking them to taste a series of “snacks” at the supermarket: people who were always on a diet preferred the most caloric and appetizing foods just like those who were not, but immediately afterwards they they felt guilty, while the others registered no problems.
The solution, according to one researcher, is the 80/20 method : eat well and correctly for eighty percent of your daily meal plan, and only go wrong for twenty percent. This way you will lose weight faster than by going on a diet. That doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me, and to you?

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