Hair loss: when to worry?

Thinning and more or less consistent hair loss has always been a fairly frequent phenomenon, which can depend on various reasons, not only physical but also psychological , including stress and an uneven pace of life. To solve it, or at least to limit it, it is of fundamental importance to take into consideration, even before the aesthetics, the reason that triggered it.
Each hair develops through a three-phase life cycle : maturation within the hair follicle, birth and progressive weakening , until a new hair is ready to replace the old one.
This mechanism causes a continuous renewal of the hair, which does not lose volume thanks to the balance between fall and regrowth. If, for any moment, this balance is compromised, the result is excessive hair loss and consequent hair thinning. In fact, a hair loss even higher than the norm but accompanied by regular regrowth, with the consequent maintenance of the volume of the hair, should not be a cause for concern.
In relation to the various causes that cause hair loss, it is possible to resort to specific therapies and treatments , from the application of healing lotions , to pharmacological or natural products . In particular, when you think about natural products, one of the sites to take into consideration is where the editorial staff constantly carries out a series of reviews on supplements and natural remedies to be able to face and overcome the problems caused. from various pathologies, including hair loss .
Before analyzing which are the best remedies for hair loss, let’s understand what the causes and symptoms can be.
The main causes of hair loss
Excessive hair loss, and related thinning , can occur, as mentioned, for various reasons, some of which, entirely physiological and natural, resolve themselves after a short time. In autumn almost everyone witnesses greater hair loss, often due to external stresses that occurred in summer, such as heat , sun and sea water , psychological stress caused by returning from holidays and incorrect eating and personal habits. .
A period of sudden and substantial fall and relative weakening of the hair, which appears dry, thin and brittle, occurs in some particularly stressful periods of a woman ‘s life : childbirth , breastfeeding , menopause , the interruption of a oral contraceptive therapy . The same phenomenon, both in women and in men, can depend on unpleasant or dramatic events and periods of psychophysical fatigue . In all these situations, hair loss resolves spontaneously after a few weeks, to favor the return to normal it is important to treatnutrition , favoring fresh and natural products
On the contrary, when the hair tends to fall out less intensely but chronically , for no apparent reason, the cause can be of a different nature: from food deficiency to hormonal imbalance , from depression to dermatological infectious diseases , as well as it could be linked to ‘use of certain drugs or a genetic predisposition .
Lack of iron and protein , thyroid problems and skin diseases are often the basis of thinning hair and constant hair loss over time, allergy phenomena and autoimmune diseases can create patchy hair loss , forming large empty areas.
In men it is also necessary to consider the typical male hormonal situation that causes androgenetic alopecia , and consequently the characteristic baldness , a problem that also affects a certain percentage of women in the period following the menopause .
If you notice even slight but protracted hair loss or unusual fragility , it is recommended that you run for cover immediately by identifying the cause of the problem to understand what the ideal treatment could be. However, it must be considered that often, at the beginning, hair loss is not evident enough and when it becomes visible it is more difficult to remedy: for this reason prevention is the ideal solutio
Natural remedies and prevention for hair loss
To avoid the problem of alopecia that is now too advanced, it is advisable first of all to prevent the problem. As we have said, a change in the texture and vitality of the hair, as well as a feeling of itchiness and discomfort in the scalp, can be the first signs of a skin problem or an imbalance that can lead to hair loss.
A useful precaution especially for those who have to sustain a tight and stressful pace of life is to take care of the diet , avoid too aggressive detergent products and possibly resort to a food supplement based on mineral salts and vitamins. It is also important to avoid excessive sun exposure as well as protect hair from pool or sea water .
Avoiding stressful situations today is practically impossible, however for those prone to anxiety disorders it is useful to practice a relaxing sport and try to spend more time outdoors.
Among the most used natural remedies are particularly effective:
- Arginine : is one of the main elements necessary for the growth of hair bulbs;
- Apple cider vinegar which, usually used to rinse the hair, reduces the formation of dandruff and seborrheic secretions;
- Fenugreek : it is an excellent remedy to prevent hair loss and at the same time stimulates their growth.
- Tea tree oil , ideal for eliminating excess sebum from the scalp;
- Essential oil of rosemary , which stimulates circulation and promotes hair regrowth;
- Henna , often used as a natural color, is also an excellent cure for strengthening and nourishing the hair and rebalancing the structure of the scalp;
- Magnesium , zinc and vitamins of group B are the fundamental nutritional elements for the beauty of hair, it is possible to take them through a balanced diet or, if necessary, to resort to a food supplement.
- Serenoa : intervenes in the cycle of transformation of testosterone into DHT, the production of which is one of the main causes of hair loss due to miniaturization or alopecia;
As for the natural products containing these active ingredients, one of the best-selling products, as confirmed by the staff of InversaOnlus, is Foltina Plus hair lotion, which, according to the opinions of users and experts, really seems to be one of the most appreciated in absolute, especially for its 100% natural composition and the total absence of contraindications for the scalp.
Obviously, as in any other case, before resorting to supplements or other products, even if of natural origin, it is advisable to investigate the causes of hair loss and eventually to seek the advice of a specialist.
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