Hair, ailments and all remedies

Hair, ailments and all remedies

The hair , the hairy extremities that grow on the human skull, is formed starting from the fourth month of life of the fetus. They can suffer from baldness, premature hair loss and alopecia caused by several factors. Let ‘s find out how to keep hair healthy with natural remedies .

>   Anatomical description of the hair

>   Natural treatments and therapies 

>   Yoga for the hair

>   Traditional Chinese Medicine

>   Other hair disciplines

>   Hair curiosities

Hair, structure and anatomy


Anatomical description of the hair

Hair is an annex of the skin, hair components that grow on the skin of the human skull. In the form of fluff they are formed already in the fourth month of fetal life.

Normally developed hair consists of three parts :

  1. one external to the follicle, visible, called stem or stalk ;
  2. one inside the follicle itself, between the ostium of the follicle and the lower attachment of the erector hair muscle, called the root ; 
  3. an even deeper one, housed in the lower portion of the deep part of the follicle, called the bulb.

Hair also has three life stages :

  • anagen phase in which they grow by 1-1.5 cm depending on whether it is a man or a woman, and the growth can last over a period of time ranging between 2 and 7 years;
  • catagen phase, in which growth stops for about two weeks, is also referred to as the resting phase. 
  • telogen phase , which consists in the expulsion of the hair from the follicle to allow the growth of a new hair.

 Natural hair treatments and therapies

Alopecia refers to a reduction in the amount of hair or its disappearance. There are various forms, but the best known is androgenetic alopecia, due to an excess of DHT (dildrotestosterone, a hormone harmful to the hair follicle) and characterized by hair loss in the front and upper areas of the head.

The disorder mainly affects men and can also develop very early in sexual maturation. However, women can also be affected by alopecia, especially when menopause sets in. The hair first loses its vigor, the stem thins, the hair is less shiny and then the stems start to break and the hair falls out. Among the most common forms of non-scarring alopecia is common baldness .

The decoction of nettle roots is the most suitable phytotherapeutic remedy in case of alopecia and hair loss. Nettle leaves are sources of minerals, trace elements and vitamins useful for those who, after a period of convalescence or particular physical stress, are realizing that they are leaving too much hair on the pillow.

Among the plants that guarantee hormonal inhibition at the scalp level, Serenoa repens and green tea ( Camellia sinensis ), used in the form of extracts in vials for friction on the scalp. Green tea also contains substances with a high antioxidant power, such as Ginkgo biloba itself , a plant whose extracts can improve blood circulation in the hair bulb.

Among the natural herbal remedies excellent for hair:  linseed oil ,  horsetail ,  wheat germ oil ,  coconut oil and amla oil , directly from Ayurvedic medicine . To give shine and softness, especially to red hair , the karkadè pack is very useful .

To counteract hair loss , at the table give preference to beef and chicken, shellfish , foods that contain taurine, an important amino acid that protects the hair bulb.

Integrate in the diet fresh organic fruit and vegetables, red wine produced from organic grapes, cold-pressed organic extra virgin olive oil : all foods rich in polyphenols. Avoid for at least 6 months: cold cuts, sausages, preserved meat, bran, sugar, refined flours, black tea, liqueurs, coffee blends.

A healthy diet and the possible use of dietary supplements, such as natural food supplements,  can restore vigor to the hair or at least slow down the involution process.


In the universe of yoga, if we talk about hair, we have to go through Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic treatments also include dietary precautions and among these, eating dried fruit is particularly suitable for fortifying the hair .

For the rest, green light for massages that touch specific points on the head and inverted positions such as Sirsasana , which promote blood circulation.

Discover Ayurvedic massage to make hair healthier and more beautiful

Hair massage

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine hair (fa) are called “blood appendages” and “kidney ornaments” and are affected by both the state of qi and blood (which promotes growth and development). Hair loss is related to either Wind penetration or, more frequently, Blood ( Xuxue ) and Kidney ( Xuyinshen ) disturbances. In the forms with marked seborrhea (defined Yu feng , “fat wind”) involvement of the Spleen-Pancreas is possible. 

Other disciplines

Homeopathy in cases of alopecia intervenes both to slow down hair loss and to favor the reaction to the conditions that are responsible for the disorder. Among the homeopathic remedies:

Anacardium Orientale 15 CH (5 granules, 3 times a week), a remedy suitable for young students who, together with alopecia, suffer from depression, memory disorders, behavioral alterations;

Ignatia amara 30 CH (5 granules, once a day), in case of hair loss due to psychic shock, such as bereavement or romantic separation;

Kali phosphoricum 9 CH (5 granules, once a day) for hair loss following particularly demanding and prolonged periods of study or work;

Sepia 30 CH (5 granules per day), indicated for alopecia with scalp eruptions caused by frustration and conflict situations.

Hair Curiosities

Can you imagine that a lock of hair causes the sorrow of a lifetime? That’s right. The lock comes from John Lennon’s head . The fact that it ended up in the hands of a wealthy Hong Kong collector was a cause of immense sorrow for Rafael Paghs , owner of a museum on hair. The woman hoped to be able to add the Beatle lock to those already exhibited by Napoleon and Marilyn Monroe.

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