Grapefruit juice for weight loss

Grapefruit juice for weight loss

grapefruitSo bitter that it degreases. And apparently that’s right: grapefruit juice is a real fat burner , a sort of liquid plumber for our body engulfed by a diet that is too greasy and sugary. According to research by the University of Berkeley , in fact, grapefruit juice, which for years has been the protagonist of a diet of the same name (the grapefruit diet, in fact) lowers the blood sugar level and helps eliminate excess fat. . According to the researchers, who conducted the experiments on mice, grapefruit juice, when combined with a diet with a good percentage of fat, allows for a slimming action, naturally lowering insulin levels.
It doesn’t work on weight loss if the diet is already low in fat; therefore it would be enough to simply drink fresh grapefruit juice (it must be freshly squeezed) to lose weight without particular dietary restrictions, while instead, if you are already on a sugar and fat diet, grapefruit juice would not help to dispose of excess fat faster than normal. So more than a grapefruit diet, it’s better to supplement our everyday diet with this miracle fruit .

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