Gluten-free pasta dish, easy and light recip

Gluten-free pasta dish, easy and light recip

A non-wheat pastiera, therefore a gluten-free, but also light, pastry-free pastiera. Good, healthy, fresh and sinless!

The gluten-free pastiera was my Easter experiment, instead of the usual pastiera (calling it usual is a bit offensive, but I really do it every year), having a celiac person as a guest these days.
This experiment was so successful that I will try it again.

This gluten-free pastiera is very quick to make, simple and can be made even at the last minute.
It came to me thinking of a variant of rice pastiera instead of wheat which is a traditional recipe from Salerno. A quick but compact dessert like a pastiera but without the shortcrust pastry base, and with only 200 calories per serving.
Here is the recipe.

easy and light gluten free pastiera


For a cake of 20/22 cm in diameter 4 packages of Santa Lucia light ricotta 100 grams of goat yogurt 125 grams of brown rice or buckwheat alternatively (I soaked it one night before with a few drops of lemon to make it more digestible) 3 medium eggs + an egg white a pinch of salt 60 grams of coconut sugar or cane sugar Truvia, a tablespoon orange blossom aroma a few drops grated rind of one orange or two untreated lemons 35 grams of chocolate extra-dark chocolate in very small pieces or dark chocolate drops  cinnamon powder, a large pinch 50 gr of gluten-free candied citron or gluten-free cand


  • Cook the rice over a low heat, with three times the water and a pinch of salt, for about 50 minutes, until the grains are tender and almost undone.
  • Just drain it, leaving it a little soft and pass it in a blender with a spoonful of Truvia, cinnamon, candied citron and orange zest. You have to get a cream. Same procedure if you use buckwheat.
  • In a bowl separate the yolks from the whites. To the bowl of egg whites add one more and set aside.
  • Separately, work the ricotta with sugar and yogurt, until you get a smooth cream without lumps: I recommend using an electric whisk. Gradually add the egg yolks to the mixture.
  • Combine the ricotta cream with the rice cream, add the orange blossom water and the dark chocolate into small pieces or drops.
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff and add them to the mixture last.
  • Pour the mixture into the previously buttered pan with a level teaspoon of butter, and put the gluten-free pastiera in the oven at 180 ° for about 40-45 minutes, until a golden and homogeneous crust appears on top, and when you touch it, the cake is firm and compact. .
  • Let it cool very well before putting it on a serving dish, sprinkling it with a little cinnamon and more citrus peel or a little vanilla icing sugar. It can be kept for a day and a half out of the fridge, another two in the fridge.Calories: about 200 per serving, equal to one eighth of the cake!

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