Gastritis and change of season

Gastritis and change of season

The change of season puts a strain on the stomach of those suffering from gastritis. But with a few recommendations and the right natural remedies, it is possible not to suffer from the annoying symptoms of this ailment.

Gastritis and change of season

Gastritis and change of season

Symptoms of gastritis affect the stomach and, in the case of reflux, the esophagus .

They mainly concern digestive difficulties , heaviness and swelling in the epigastric region, heartburn , nausea , headache , mouth ulcers and ulcers , bad breath , esophageal reflux and sometimes even vomiting .

Gastritis has direct repercussions on the entire digestive system, with consequent alteration of intestinal peristalsis, dysentery or constipation, weight changes, skin and hair problems, lack or insufficient absorption of nutrients.

Gastritis , due to environmental factors, worsens especially during the change of season : the body adjusts to the variation of light and temperature by changing the production of acid in the stomach.

The change in diet and lifestyle habits that naturally follow the changes of the season can aggravate a gastritis already in progress or give rise to the first symptoms in those with a predisposed stomach .

The causes therefore concern eating habits that overload the stomach , with fatty and processed foods, too hot or too cold, spicy and acidic, as well as stress and personal reaction to the tensions and commitments of daily life .

Other causes include the use of certain medications , the use of smoking and the consumption of alcohol . Lifestyle

plays an important role in the onset of gastritis symptoms.

Read also  Symptoms of gastritis, how to recognize them >>

Natural remedies for gastritis during the change of season

According to macrobiotics , the environment provides what is useful to our body in each particular season.

Also in this case, gastritis can find in natural remedies a useful aid in resolving symptoms:

> Change your eating habits : the first step is to adapt your diet to the climate.

When passing from winter to spring it is useful to reduce the amount of food ingested , and gradually switch to lighter and more seasonal foods . Herbal medicine offers many herbs that are good for digestion and stomach: St. John ‘s wort, lemon balm, mallow, star anise.

It is also useful to avoid hot foods , both from the point of view of temperature and cooking methods and from the energy point of view, passing from a yang, warming diet, to more balanced and refreshing foods .

Also in autumn it is necessary to adapt what you eat with the cooler season on the way: it is therefore essential to avoid cold foods and drinks , and to make the opposite dietary transition to the one undertaken in spring;

> exercise : in any season, moving allows the body to tone the internal organs and improve the endocrine response to the change of season .

Exercising in the open air allows the body to harmonize with the variation of light and temperature, also adjusting the hormonal response that regulates stress and digestive processes;

> take natural gastroprotective products : apples , eaten with the peel, simply calm the stomach and regulate the intestinal flora, chamomile , licorice , apple vinegar , figs and many others.

During the change of season, be it from winter to spring or during autumn, you can use umeboshi and kuzu based drinks , able to protect the stomach. THE

Aloe juice is a remedy for gastritis that can also be self-produced. Ginger , consumed fresh or in the form of a decoction, to be drunk warm, or even in essential oil , gives an important aid to digestion, which is particularly slowed down during the change of season. Finally, the clayey water calms nausea and prevents vomiting.

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