Game changers, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s vegan documentary

Game changers, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s vegan documentary

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former California governor, former actor, former bodybuilder, has long regretted his animal protein-rich diet to maintain his muscular physique.

Schwarzenegger, soon in theaters with the new Terminator, and with a respectable physique despite being over 70, in fact for some years he has strongly limited animal proteins to some occasional steak. His is a classic flexitarian diet .

And he is so convinced that to be strong you don’t have to eat meat that he is among the producers of the new vegan documentary Game Changers .


Game Changers , distributed on Netflix, is a documentary about vegan diets for athletes.

And how changing the diet from a diet rich in meat and derivatives to a vegetarian or totally vegan diet has not only not affected the performance of these athletes of all disciplines (including weightlifters) but has improved them.

The vegan documentary immediately went viral especially for one scene: that of the athletes who discovered they had longer erections thanks to the vegan diet.

However, it is correct to say that it is not an exclusively vegan diet, but rather a “plant based diet”.

A definition that doctors themselves define ambiguous, because it can also refer to diets that are not totally vegan, such as the flexi diet or the vegetarian diet, ovo vegetarian or lacto vegetarian. But certainly at the base of every “plant based” diet there are more vegetables, more cereals and more legumes, and an occasional, limited or no consumption of animal proteins. You can find the diatribe behind the term explained in this article in English. 

The newspapers have in fact defined the documentary as “vegan-friendly” (ie sympathizer of veganism) but not a vegan documentary such as the famous Fork Over Knives .

In addition to Schwarzenegger, producers include actor Jackie Chan and director James Cameron.
Anyone wishing to watch Game Changers can see it here on Netflix .

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