Foods That Help You Lose Weight: A Practical Guide

Foods That Help You Lose Weight: A Practical Guide

Today we are talking about a topic that interests many, namely foods that make you lose weight, or rather, foods that help you lose weight.
First of all, are there any foods that have particular slimming properties? Not really, and everything you read in favor of foods with extraordinary powers for weight loss is the result of marketing. However, there are foods that promote weight loss, so there are foods that help lose weight:

– Foods that help lose weight because they are rich in proteins
– Foods that help lose weight because they are rich in fiber / satiating
– Foods that help lose weight because they are low-calorie / very hydrated
– Foods that help lose weight due to their antioxidant, thermogenic, purifying properties.

Protein-rich foods such as egg whites, very aged cheeses such as parmesan or pecorino, low-fat but protein cheeses such as skyr and quark, dairy products such as yogurt, meat and fish are the most protein-rich foods easy to assimilate and digest: they are satiating and in a low-calorie diet they allow us to maintain muscle mass more easily . So if we are in a low-calorie diet we must increase the protein quota.
For vegans , I recommend tofu, tempeh, lupine / lupine flour, flax cake meal, hemp seed meal, seitan and muscle wheat, in combination with whole grains / legumes instead

Foods that make you lose weight because they are rich in fiber and satiating reduce the assimilation of both total daily calories and in particular fat. A diet that contains from 25 to 35% of daily fiber makes you lose weight more than a normal diet precisely because the fibers allow us to increase intestinal regularity, be satiated longer and eat less, nourish the bacterial flora and partially reduce the ‘calorie assimilation. Viscous fibers, such as oats, are particularly useful against intestinal bloating, and those who want a fiber-based supplement to fill up earlier and lose weight can try glucomannan

The foods that help you lose weight because they are very low-calorie or hydrated (or both) are not just green leafy vegetables and green vegetables such as cucumber, celery, fennel, asparagus, which must never be missing in the diet of those who want to lose weight and which are also purifying and draining, but natural foods

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