Food Addiction: Know and fight your cravings

Food Addiction: Know and fight your cravings

Do you feel like you have a food addiction, a constant hunger that accompanies you all day?
Is it this addiction to food that makes you fail in the good intentions of a healthier and more moderate diet?

If you think this, but you can also identify your addiction in specific cravings (cravings for sweets, chocolate, salty snacks such as chips and breadsticks) then perhaps this table can help you “adjust” your diet by giving you those nutrients that maybe you they are missing, and that they have a responsibility in your bad choices.

Let’s be clear: in part they have a responsibility. They don’t have all the responsibility.

I mean that sometimes if you want sweets it’s because you want sugar. And that’s that.
Or if one wants a particular dessert, there may also be emotional reasons, linked to happy, serene memories, to something that takes us back to childhood.

But believe me, it helps to know if nutrient deficiency plays its part in food addiction.
For example, since I have been using more magnesium by drinking this homemade supplement , my craving for chocolate has been greatly reduced.


Many people wonder why, even knowing what they need to eat to stay healthy and in better shape, they feel an addiction to particular foods, usually calorie-dense, very sweet, salty, and often fat or carbohydrate based.
This thing here is partly the result of our nature as human beings. The human being naturally “points” to fattening foods, to foods that his body recognizes as dense in calories, both for evolutionary reasons (food = survival), and for environmental and psychological reasons .

For example, if we are used to eating pizza, we will have more desire for pizza when we want to go beyond the limits (environmental factor).
And if we are stressed, the body “translates” the stress, which is bad for our health, with the craving for often sugary foods.
In fact, sugar has a strong anti-stress function. 

But, in spite of modern times, the main reason is that man has always been the same for millennia.
The most caloric foods give us satisfaction just as they did our ancient ancestors.
The chemical processes they trigger are the same. The problem lies in the nature of the food, which has changed over time.

Craving for food: their poor quality aggravates it. 

Today, for example, the variety and palatability of industrial foods mean that people end up being addicted to food not for survival reasons. In short, we eat more than necessary, maybe we eat even poorly nutritious foods, and paradoxically, we can also be fat but undernourished.

Once, fatty or sugary foods were only those found in nature.
Nuts, fish or meat, fruit, seeds, fresh milk, honey. While our brains act the same way as when we were primitive, the world has changed. In other words, an industrial market was born, products were born and, alas, a vast offer of food.

So the point is neither to check ourselves every minute, nor to think that we are weird or sick because we crave sweets or chips, but to create better habits so that we come to crave more natural foods.

Of course: if you often crave pizza you will not find yourself craving lettuce after a month of natural diet.
The things that can really help us will always do so up to a certain threshold, but the human being remains human anyway.

So the first thing is to accept the fact that it is normal to crave certain foods.
And find ways to prevent this desire from being the cause of our extra pounds or poor health.

On page two I list the advice of Dr. Fiona Tuck , nutritionist, author of the book “The Forensic Nutritionist” .

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