Five ways to not get hungry every two hours

Five ways to not get hungry every two hours

How to stop being hungry all the time, and thus avoid spending the day munching food, often even unconsciously?
Today we see five tips for not being hungry every two hours, taking into account that in general, when you are stressed, it is normal to be hungrier than usual.

Stress puts our body in a state of constant alert , so it is normal to want to eat more if we feel stressed, if we live in a situation that we perceive as difficult or negative.

In that case, the solution is not to control how much we eat, because this over-control increases stress. But dealing with stress, when it is not possible to resolve the negative situation, in a different way.

For example, sleeping more, buying aromatic essences whose smell relaxes us, such as lavender essential oil, using warm lights at home, reading or watching things that can distract us, listening to music, stretching your back and legs frequently. Little things that make a lot of difference in stress management. Now let’s see the five tips for not being hungry every two hours.


  1. Start the day with fiber and protein.

    For breakfast, we have a balanced meal between carbohydrates that contain fiber such as wasa slices, wholemeal bread, oat flakes, associated with a high protein food such as skim or semi-skimmed Greek yogurt, eggs or egg whites omelette, raw ham or bresaola, flakes of milk or quark.
    A meal made like this allows us to be satiated much longer than eating only biscuits or snacks.

  2. Have a meal every 3-4 hours.

    Better to organize meals with snacks every 3-4 hours, than to endure hunger and then have the need to eat much more in the afternoon or evening. Smaller, more frequent meals work best for those who are stressed out.
    An ideal snack, of about 100/125 calories, can be made up for example of 100 grams of low-sugar fruit associated with 6 almonds. Or half an apple and a glass of skim milk or a pound of carrots with a diced cheese.

  3. Bring or keep healthy hunger-breakers around the house.

    They can be raw fennel or cucumbers, but if we are very stressed, an apricot or a dried plum can also be valid help. They don’t provide more than 25 calories but they soothe anxious phenomena and help keep nervous hunger that comes from stress at bay. We can use this trick even two or three times a day.
    If we suffer from frequent hunger, on the contrary, it is not recommended to do things that make us think about food all the time: for example, looking at recipes or cooking programs. And keep food at home or on hand that we know we should limit ourselves to. The easy accessibility to foods makes us eat them more frequently.

  4. Try drinking a glass of water first.

    We can drink a glass of water when we are hungry and wait 20 minutes. If the hunger continues, then it’s time to eat something.

  5. Keep your blood sugar stable.

    This does not mean eating fewer carbohydrates, but rather making sure that every meal is also balanced in fat, protein and fiber. For example, a dish of pasta and legumes satisfies much more than one of spaghetti with tomato sauce. If I eat spaghetti with tomato sauce it is better to anticipate them with a small appetizer of a soft-boiled egg or a piece of cheese with raw vegetables.

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