Fiorella Basta, the journalist’s social diet

Fiorella Basta, the journalist’s social diet

Journalist Fiorella Loffredo woke up one day and decided to step on the scales: from the awareness of her weight and the desire to change and lose weight, her slimming path began , shared through social media and which brought her from weigh 114 kilos to weigh about 70 in a few months. How she lost these 40 kilos Fiorella tells it both through her youtube channel about her Fiorella  as long  as through a book, now released for Mondadori.

Why social diet? Because Fiorella has found the strength to share her path, which is not easy for anyone, and to do it through social networks, for example thanks to facebook, by creating the homonymous page Fiorella Basta . As I had already written in the past, social networks can be a great help to lose weight: by sharing your diet paths and your photos, you can in fact receive encouragement, support and suggestions, all in favor of motivation, which is the engine of every diet, and also the secret of success for those who manage to lose weight. 
Fiorella in fact spoke of her experience of social diet as a “community therapy” through which she was helped not to give up and in her turn she helps others not to give up.
Of course, it is not really the “first” social diet, not even in Italy , just think of the Social Diet program wanted by Rosanna Lambertucci with the collaboration of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi, and the social experiments
I talked about in these articles, which between twitter , instagram and facebook have allowed many people to create collective diet programs, complete with before and after photos, dishes and suggested shopping lists.

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