Everything is ready for the Autumn of Yoga in Gastein

Everything is ready for the Autumn of Yoga in Gastein

Nine days dedicated to the spirit and contact with nature. An unmissable appointment to regenerate body and spirit. It is the “Yoga Autumn in Gastein – A source of inspiration” festival, scheduled from 20 to 29 October in the Austrian town.

The biggest event in Europe

Gastein ‘s Yoga Days are the largest event dedicated to this discipline in all of Europe. Nine days full of meetings, appointments and events. For example, there are over 300 lessons and courses capable of responding to the needs of enthusiasts of all levels, three locations involved in the initiative, numerous professionals involved. An unmissable opportunity to rediscover the perfect balance between body and spirit, in the evocative, unique and extraordinary scenery of the Gastein Valley, in the heart of the High Tauern and which has always specialized in wellness and health.

Looking for positive energies

Yoga is a discipline that is increasingly practiced in Italy as well. Courses and structures dedicated to this activity flourish which allows, through meditation and various breathing techniques, to favor the return to the perfect balance between body and mind, allowing you to stock up on positive energies essential to face everyday life with the right gear . Gastein, with its 40 highly qualified teachers, represents an unmissable event to meet the world’s best yoga experts and exchange opinions and experiences with an international audience. It is impossible to resist the temptation to pack yoga clothing , which can also be purchased online on the specialized portal  shankara.it , and book a ticket for Austria.


Exclusive packages

Taking part in the largest event in Europe is easy and possible. There are so many packages for yoga enthusiasts and they have been tailor-made for all budgets. In fact, starting from 126 euros, it is possible to book a three-night stay and participation in the program of twenty and lessons. Four elements will frame this experience: water, the thermal water of the valley, nature, pure air and mountains. Just one example to get into the atmosphere: the exercise and sun salutation platform overlooks the surrounding mountain peaks and the Bad Gastein waterfall, offering a unique spectacle that will be the backdrop for moments of deep meditation. There are many activities to be carried out in the open air, precisely to enhance and take advantage of the unique and inimitable context that hosts the event.

Yes to modern yoga

The program especially enhances the modern idea of ​​oriental discipline, with a new approach: from exercises with breathtaking views , to meditation at sunrise or sunset looking at the snow-capped peaks, from the endless paths that lead to mountain peaks and lakes to yoga for the back, detox yoga and yoga combined with fitness activities and stress management up to meditative walks along Gastein’s energy places. All this is an expression of the new role that the context and the open air assume in the modern approach to yoga.

The expert’s point of view

To highlight the benefits of yoga practiced outdoors is Franziska Lipp, certified instructor: “Yoga outdoors has always been a special experience, which appeals to all the senses and allows you to perceive the surrounding environment in a different way. Through meditation it will be easier to perceive the wind and the sun on the skin, to listen deeply to the birds singing and to distinguish different scents and smells: chestnuts in spring or snow, which in autumn begins to cover the mountain peaks. However, during outdoor yoga classes, it is important to stay focused on yourself, on your breathing and not to be distracted by the beautiful surrounding landscape ”. “Right from the first breath – he continues – the lungs are filled with wonderfully pure mountain air capable of awakening and enlivening all the cells of our body.

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