Enough diets? Here because

Enough diets? Here because

diet alwaysIn many quarters, a growing discontent towards the habit of always staying on a diet and the “diet” system is beginning to arise , which, according to experts, only works in the long term in ten percent of cases , with a failure of ninety percent. . Because? What happens to those who end up being a victim of “dieting”, that is, are they always on a diet or always experimenting with new diets? I’ll explain it to you here, taking a cue from an article  by David Katz , director of the Yale Research Center and considered one of the most influential and authoritative experts in the field of health and nutrition.
I will simplify what Katz says here: starting from a disconcerting fact concerning the nutritional education of children.i, who, however, are wholly or almost totally children of parents who are victims of continuous diets and heavy pressure on weight (which affects them negatively: think about what it means for a child to grow up with a mother who is hyper-worried about weighing food, controlling calories, limiting fats), the doctor says that always being on a diet or going on a continuous diet is an unhealthy, thoughtless, crazy attitude. “Lose weight with diet, gain weight after diet,” he says.
An adequate lifestyle, which does not exclude us from others but makes us adopt good habits within our family (which does not mean making one, two, three kitchens to please everyone) is the only way to keep diseases away from us. and have an average body weight without hassle.
Let’s remember these thingsbefore going on a diet:
– Dieting makes you lose weight, but returning to our old habits will make us regain it.
– If diet were the solution, each of us would have solved weight problems after the first diet. Why doesn’t it happen?
– The diet often brings with it various eating disorders: for example, binge eating and nervous hunger, as well as excessive concern for what and how much to eat are typical phenomena of those who are always on a diet.
– Dieting is often synonymous with failure every time we lose weight or gain weight: we feel so defeated and due to our weight we tend to belittle other things in daily life, starting with the relationship with others.
With thisI do not mean that going on a diet is to be excluded a priori and must be avoided , keeping yourself overweight and related health problems. But that it is better to rely on an expert (the dietician, damn you!) Who teaches us a healthy and correct diet. Not to mention the great health benefits it gives not having excessive and repeated changes in weight: now I lose three kilos, then I regain 4, then I lose two and so on.
– Finally, the stress . Diet increases our cortisol levels, i.e. it stresses us. Cortisol is responsible for the dreaded plateau, or the stalling of weight, together with the metabolism that necessarily slows down.

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