Eczema, homeopathic natural remedies

Eczema, homeopathic natural remedies

Eczema is an itchy dermatitis that can have several causes. There are several types of eczema, the most common are  contact or constitutional ones , and can spread over multiple parts of the body. Let’s discover the homeopathic remedies to cure it.



Causes and symptoms of eczema

The generic term of eczema indicates a dermatitis, often itchy , which can be localized or have a tendency to spread. Different forms are known, among which the most common include, first of all, contact eczema , which arises from exposure to exogenous substances of a chemical, chemical-physical, or biological nature, in a professional or extra-professional environment.

This type of eczema can arise from direct irritation of the part and consequent cell damage due to substances applied to the skin for a certain period of time, or in a toxic concentration, or even as a result of a sensitization mechanism, of an essentially allergic nature.

Contact dermatitis is characterized by erythematous-vesicular skin manifestations , followed by the formation of crusts and finally desquamation; the lesions are initially very itchy, and localized only at the site of exposure to sensitizing agents; these include many substances, including nickel, some drugs for local use (antibiotics, antihistamines), numerous cosmetics, hair dyes, nail polish, deodorants, numerous detergents and soaps for home and personal use, etc.

The other very common form is atopic or constitutional eczema , a chronic-relapsing, itchy skin manifestation that is often associated with a personal and family history of allergic diseases, such as rhinoconjunctivitis or asthma .. In most cases, atopic eczema occurs between the second and sixth month of life but, albeit rarely, it can also appear in adulthood. In the first two years of life it is localized to the scalp and face – sparing the perioral, nasal and periorbital regions – to the limbs – in the extensor region – and to the trunk; the lesions are of the erythematous-papulo-vesicular type, there is serous exudation and a marked itchy symptomatology. Over time the manifestations become less acute and exuding, with a tendency to localize to the eyelids, perioral area, neck and flexor surfaces of the large folds.

Atopic eczema is often associated with allergy to milk or dust mites. Other well-known forms of eczema are seborrheic dermatitis , generally localized to the scalp, the folds of the face and the anterior region of the chest: it is characterized by erythematous patches covered with greasy and yellowish scales. Finally, dyshidrosis is mostly characteristic for its localization: on the lateral and palmar regions of the fingers, and on the soles and lateral regions of the feet.

Clay among the natural remedies for eczema


Homohepatic remedies for eczema

All the forms mentioned above have a tendency to persist over time and to relapse , often seasonal / environmental, so simple symptomatic remedies cannot be provided, but these are disorders that must be treated as an expression of functional disorders of the whole organism, often present from birth, and therefore mostly constitutional.

The most useful remedies in these cases will be those of the sulfuric series because this is the anatomical constitution most easily burdened by skin manifestations, which begin to appear from the very first months of life. The sulfuric constitution, we remind you, is, among all the constitutions, the essentially better one both from the morphological point of view and from the endocrine-metabolic point of view: precisely for this reason the skin is often an organ of manifestations , indicating the innate tendency of organism to bring out everything that may be harmful to it, a tendency which, in this constitution, unlike others, appears immediately preserved.

Therefore, to complicate initial and constitutional frameworks – therefore an expression of the good reactivity of the organism, which if anything must be corrected, but not suppressed – it is precisely the intervention of traditional therapies that aim to make the local symptom disappear without understanding its meaning.

In the best of hypotheses, in fact, the use of creams and anti-inflammatory or antiparasitic substances , sometimes even by mouth, is followed by the rapid return of symptoms to their suspension, while in other cases there is even a deepening of symptoms, as happens , in the atopic subject, in what is commonly defined allergic march, which then leads to the appearance of increasingly serious and deep manifestations of the respiratory mucous membranes.

Homeopathic treatment , together with attention to the diet, intervenes precisely in order to correct the exonerative manifestations of the organism, making the disorders progressively attenuate, until their remission, by global functional rebalancing rather than by suppression-deepening of the same.

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